The CEO Cancer Gold Standard™ Jill Maughan, MEd Program Coordinator Texas Comprehensive Cancer Control Program Chronic Disease Branch Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention Section
What is it? A work site wellness framework A program focusing on cancer prevention & control A comprehensive approach to cancer control
Why does it matter?
Goals of Gold Standard Risk Reduction Early Detection Quality Care
Five Pillars Pillar #1: Prevention – Tobacco-Free Workplace – Nutrition – Physical Activity – Healthy Weight – Vaccines Pillar #2: Screening Pillar #3: Cancer Clinical Trials Pillar #4: Quality Treatment and Survivorship Pillar #5: Health Education and Health Promotion
Accredited Organizations Maintain a cultural approach to cancer prevention & control Offer many health protective benefits to their employees
How to Become Accredited Online application Tobacco-Free Workplace Policy Preparer’s Certification
Are You Ready??
Prevention Tobacco-Free Workplace Is your agency completely tobacco-free (not just smoke-free) indoors and outdoors? Does your policy prohibit all forms of tobacco (cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and any others), including smokeless tobacco (chew, snuff, twist), and any others? Does your policy prohibit e-cigarettes and all other forms of electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS)? Do you have designated areas for the use of tobacco? Do you cover, at either no cost or at a reasonable cost-sharing level, evidence-based tobacco-cessation treatments including prescription (Rx), non-prescription over-the-counter (OTC) products and counseling for employees and their covered dependents? Do you sponsor tobacco-cessation programming, in your workplace, such as a quit line, seminars or onsite support groups?
Prevention Nutrition, Physical Activity and Healthy Weight Do you value, support and promote healthy food choices, physical activity, and achieving and maintaining a healthy weight? Do you have specific programming, services, and opportunities in place to support and enable your employees follow a healthy diet, be physically active, and maintain a healthy weight – and avoid or reduce obesity? Vaccines Do you cover FDA-approved and CDC-recommended vaccines (currently, Gardasil and Cervarix) against the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) for the prevention of cervical cancer?
Screening Do you communicate the importance of screening for certain cancers to your employees? Do your health benefit plans cover, at either no cost or at a reasonable cost-sharing level, screening services for breast, colorectal and cervical cancer?
Clinical Trials Do all of your health benefits plans provide coverage for cancer clinical trials that are approved by an official Institutional Review Board (IRB)? Is cancer clinical trial participation limited to individuals considered to be terminally ill?
Quality Treatment & Survivorship Do your health benefits plans provide coverage for cancer treatment at Commission on Cancer- accredited facilities and/or National Cancer Institute- designated cancer centers? Does your workplace culture recognizes the needs of employees who are cancer survivors themselves or who are family members/caregivers of cancer survivors?
Health Education & Health Promotion Do you educate and inform your employees about all aspects of cancer prevention, screening, clinical trials, quality care, and survivorship in order to enable and encourage appropriate behavior? Do you promote employee engagement and participation in healthy workplace initiatives?