The child gets it all..  Factor out common behavior  parent class implements behavior needed by children  guarantee that all subclasses have the characteristics.


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Presentation transcript:

The child gets it all.

 Factor out common behavior  parent class implements behavior needed by children  guarantee that all subclasses have the characteristics  promotes code re-use, avoids duplication & errors  Specialization  child class redefines behavior of the parent  Extension  child class adds new attributes or behavior

 Provide common behavior  implement once in the superclass, all children inherit it  Example: all bank accounts have account ID, owner, balance BankAccount # accountName # accountID # balance + deposit( ) : void + withdraw( ) : void + getBalance( ) : double + getAcctName( ) : String...etc... CheckingAccount + CheckingAccount( ) + withdraw( ) : void + toString( ) : String SavingAccount + SavingAccount( ) + withdraw( ) : void + toString( ) : String

 An object of the subclass can be used anywhere that an object of the superclass is expected In a program, if all objects of the superclass are replaced by objects from a subclass, the program should still work correctly. OR  Subtypes must be substitutable for their base types

 A subclass can override (redefine) a method inherited from the parent, in order to specialize the behavior.  The subclass specializes the behavior for its own needs public class Person { protected string name; public string ToString() { return name; } } public class Student : Person { protected string studentID; // redefine ToString() to return our ID, too. public string ToString() { return string.Format(“{0} {1} “, name, studentID); }

Bank accounts have different rules for deposit and withdraw, so we specialize (redefine) these methods in SavingAccount and CheckingAccount BankAccount + deposit( ) : void + withdraw( ) : void + getBalance( ) : double + getAcctName( ) : String...etc... CheckingAccount + deposit( ) : void + withdraw( ) : void SavingAccount + deposit( ) : void + withdraw( ) : void

 A subclass cannot "reduce visibility" of a method it redefines from parent.  Example: Object ToString() is public. A subclass cannot define its own ToString() to be protected or private.  assign weaker access permissions is OK. Visibility in Parent ClassVisibility in Child Classpublic ToString( ) protected setName( )protected or public OK private getRadix( ): int anything -- private method is statically bound, visible only inside parent class.

Why these access rules?  Its a consequence of the Substitution Principle "An object of a child class can be substituted any where that an object of the parent class is expected"  Example: the Greeter class expects a Person object and issues a greeting: public class Greeter { public static void greet( Person p ) { Console.WriteLine("Hello " + p.ToString() ) } Person joe = new Person("Joe Nerd"); Greeter.greet( joe ); joe = new Student("Joe Scholar", " "); Greeter.greet( joe ); Student ToString( ) must be at least as visible as Person ToString( )

public class Person { protected string name; protected long ID; public long getID() { return ID; } } public class Student : Person { private string ID;// OK to redefine ID! // OK to redefine method: visibility & type same public string ToString() { return name+" "+ID; } // Illegal! (1) less visible, (2) change type protected string getID() { return ID; } }

 Parent's data members and methods are not replaced by child's members, they are simply shadowed.  Use “ base " to access parent's members (except private ones). (in java the keyword for this is “super”) public class Person { protected string name; protected long ID; public string ToString() { return name; } } public class Student : Person { private string ID;// OK to redefine ID! public string ToString() { return name + " " + base.ID; // parent's ID }

 A subclass can define new behavior that the superclass does not have.  A subclass can also define new attributes. public class Person { protected string name; public string ToString() { return name; } } public class Student : Person { protected int credits; // new attribute // new behavior public void addToCredits(int n) { credits += n; } public void getCredits( ) { return credits; } }

A simple test for whether inheritance is reasonable is the "is a" rule.  a Student is a Person  Student extends Person  a Button is a WebControl  Button extends System.Web.UI.WebControls

 Apply the “is a” rule

 In the case of a Tub, we would say: "a Bathroom has a Tub"  "has a" means that something should be an attribute  "has a" indicates an association.  UML uses an open arrowhead for association Bathroom - items : Tub Tub 1

The "is a" rule does not always indicate inheritance.  Barak Obama is a Person  BarakObama is an instance of the Person class  A C # book is a Book  Java book doesn't specialize any behavior of Book. This is a classifier that can be modeled using an attribute.  A Fraction is Comparable  Describes a kind of behavior that Fractions possess. Model this using an interface.

 Subclass doesn't add significant extension or specialization Example: a library has several types of recordings: Jazz Recording, Classical Recording, Pop Recording,... Recordings may be Tape or CDROM... Recording JazzRecordingClassicalRecordingPopRecording JazzTapeRecordingJazzCDROMRecording

 Don't use a subclass in situations where an object may need to change class during its life time. Example: Full-time and Part-time students have different requirements and behavior. Should we model this using inheritance? Student PartTimeStudentFullTimeStudent

 A student could change from Full-time to Part-time... and back again!  Full-time or part-time is a role or status.  A Part-time student may have some behavior that is different from Full-time student. Model this using an attribute of Student that references an object of the appropriate status. attendance PartTimeFullTime Student Enrollment 1 *

 C++ has multiple inheritance: subclasses can "mix in" the properties of several parent classes. class iostream: public istream, public ostream { public: iostream( streambuf* ); virtual ~iostream(); protected: iostream( ); } istream ostream iostream

 Java and C# do not allow multiple inheritance.  In many situations interfaces can substitute for use of multiple inheritance. public class Student extends Person, Thread {... } Error: no multiple inheritance public class Student extends Person implements IRunnable {... } Runnable interface for Threaded application

 Java and C# do not allow multiple inheritance.  In many situations interfaces can substitute for use of multiple inheritance. public class Student : Person, Thread {... } Error: no multiple inheritance public class Student : Person, IRunnable {... } Runnable interface for Threaded application

 In our game we have 2 objects that are very similar  If we take what is similar and create a base object, then we eliminate duplication of code.


 Right click on the library(engine) project > Add > New Item  Pick “Class”


 What happens if you don’t?

 Compile  Remove the reference from the game project  Add the reference back in (just to make sure the changes are in the game)