Back to School Night Noche de vista a la escuela - -Sign in - -Sign and return: 3 way pledge, technology, and annual notification
Introduction Nite Kuoppamaki Room ext
Daily Schedule Morning 8:45-8:50Welcome/ Attendance 8:50-10:50Language Arts/ IB Unit -Reading comprehension -Vocabulary -Language conventions -Phonics -Science and Social studies 10:50-11:10Recess
11:10-12:05Writing/ IB Units -Distribute Practice/ Writing Strategies -Writing Instruction -Science and Social Studies -Informative, Opinion, and Narrative 12:05-12:50LUNCH 12:50-1:30Pullout- Art/ Spanish/ Technology, PE 1:30-2:10 (Tuesday and Friday)- PE -Wear appropriate shoes 1:30-3:10Math/ IB units 3:10Dismissal
Homework/ Tarea Homework Policy One or more assignment each night except for Friday. Homework Folder provided Sign and check your child’s homework for completion. Completion is checked daily in class Read at least 15 each day. Students will finish incomplete homework during recess. política de tareas Se aignará tarea cada noche menos los viernes Me fijaré cada día si su hijo (a) ha completado su tarea Favor de escribirme una nota si su hijo(a) no ha podido completar sue tarea, y le daré tiempo durante el dia pare completarle. Leer 15 minutos cada noche es parte de la tarea todas las noches Cuando esté seguro que su hijo(a) ha completado toda la tarea.
2 nd Grade Team’s Discipline Plan At the beginning of the year the children and I create a list of rules together. After compiling the list of rules, the students and I find that all the rules we have gathered can be placed into 3 categories 1.Do you best. 2.Be respectful. 3.Make good choices.
These remain our classroom rules for the year. When students break our rules, the following consequences will follow: 1.Verbal warning 2.Fill our a pink slip, lose recess 3.Fill out a white slip, lose Fun Friday (this needs to be signed and returned) 4.Student calls home 5.Parent-teacher conference 6.Conference with administration Students who have 2 pink slips (or 1 white slip) in a week will not participate in Fun Friday.
Individual Rewards: Dragon Way tickets, “Fun Friday”, treasure box, principal signature Team Rewards: Team Points Class Rewards: “Fun Friday”, Marble Party At Alvin Dunn, our goal is to teach children to follow the “Dragon Way” and instill the Learner Profiles. Ultimately, with the guidance of this program and coaching from me and the staff at Alvin Dunn, your child will have a successful and enjoyable school year. Your support at home is extremely important and will help support your child’s success in the classroom.
Thank you Make sure the 3 forms are returned: 3 way pledge (Yellow) Technology (Blue) Annual Notification Questions or concerns