ATM – requirements Team B Tom Hastjarjanto Martijn Nijenhof Ales Sturala Paul van der Ende
User services Balance inquiry Balance inquiry Withdraw money Withdraw money Deposit money Deposit money
User - Balance inquiry Show account balance Show account balance Print account balance Print account balance
User - Withdraw money User specifies amount of money to withdraw User specifies amount of money to withdraw Optionally specify which banknotes to receive Optionally specify which banknotes to receive Optionally print receipt Optionally print receipt Show transaction fee Show transaction fee
User - Deposit money Puts banknotes in the ATM Puts banknotes in the ATM Choose account where to store the money Choose account where to store the money Optionally print receipt Optionally print receipt
ATM ATM consists of: ATM consists of: vault vault system system user interface user interface Generic service Generic service Intermediate service between ATM and client’s bank Intermediate service between ATM and client’s bank ATM accepts only cards from banks supported by the generic service ATM accepts only cards from banks supported by the generic service
System System communicates with a generic service that handles requests between ATM and bank where client has an account System communicates with a generic service that handles requests between ATM and bank where client has an account User can use credit/debit card from any bank supported by the generic service User can use credit/debit card from any bank supported by the generic service Communicates with the vault Communicates with the vault
System - security Authentication is done using card and pin code Authentication is done using card and pin code User is authenticated through generic service in his bank User is authenticated through generic service in his bank Refuse service if authentication fails Refuse service if authentication fails Take card if client enters invalid pin code for three times in a row Take card if client enters invalid pin code for three times in a row Client gets money money is subtracted from account Client gets money money is subtracted from account If physical damage is detected, vault gets locked and remote alarm is triggered If physical damage is detected, vault gets locked and remote alarm is triggered Use secure connection between generic service and ATM system Use secure connection between generic service and ATM system When client doesn’t respond within a proper time frame, card is taken and user is signed off When client doesn’t respond within a proper time frame, card is taken and user is signed off
System - Balance inquiry Client must be authenticated Client must be authenticated Asks generic service for amount of money on client’s account Asks generic service for amount of money on client’s account
System - Withdraw money Client must be authenticated Client must be authenticated User can withdraw money only if a bank allows that User can withdraw money only if a bank allows that Check if vault can emit requested bank notes and amount of money Check if vault can emit requested bank notes and amount of money If money aren’t taken out of the ATM by the client in 1 minute, take the money back and check if the amount didn’t change If money aren’t taken out of the ATM by the client in 1 minute, take the money back and check if the amount didn’t change
System - Deposit money Client must be authenticated Client must be authenticated Allow client to put bank notes in the ATM Allow client to put bank notes in the ATM Money is always put onto client’s account Money is always put onto client’s account System checks whether client’s bank support ATM money deposit System checks whether client’s bank support ATM money deposit System checks if bank notes are valid System checks if bank notes are valid In the list of accepted bank notes provided by the bank In the list of accepted bank notes provided by the bank
User interface Welcome screen when ATM isn’t used Welcome screen when ATM isn’t used Could be customized remotely Could be customized remotely Error screen if the ATM is out of service Error screen if the ATM is out of service