David Wood, Registrar Mount Royal College Calgary, Alberta, Canada SEM XVIII November 17, 2008 Anaheim, CA
“Enrollment management is a comprehensive and coordinated process that enables a college to identify enrollment goals that are allied with its mission, its strategic plan, its environment, and its resources, and to reach those goals through the effective integration of administrative processes, student services, curriculum planning, and market analysis.” Christine Kerlin, Everett Community College. WA AACRAO / March 2008
o establishing clear goals. o promoting academic success. o maintaining optimum enrollment. o delivery of effective academic programs. o generating revenue. o effective financial planning o process and organizational efficiency. o improving service levels. o data-rich environment. o linkages with functions and activities across the campus. Adapted from: SEM Strategy and Implementation, B. Bontrager; posted May 25,
o Enabling institutional mission. o Increasing academic quality and student success. o Achieving optimum enrolment. o Establishing top-quality service. o Creating a data-rich environment. o Optimizing financial opportunities. o Building campus collaboration. Adapted from: SEM Strategy and Implementation, B. Bontrager; posted May 25,
Some suggestions for effective policy attributes:
Mount Royal is committed to maintaining high academic standards, promoting student success, and endeavouring to support students who have difficulty meeting academic requirements.
A student is required to withdraw from the institution for a minimum of twelve months when s/he: (i) Has been on Academic Probation for one semester and (ii) Has a cumulative grade point average less than 2.00 or (iii) Has accumulated more than eight withdrawals. (iv) Withdrawals with Cause are not part of this stipulation.
The only permissible grounds for appealing a Requirement to Withdraw will be as follows: (a)Medical reasons verified in writing by a physician. Documentation must establish a clear and substantive link to his/her academic standing over the period of time the credits were earned. or (b)Severe emotional distress verified in writing by a certified mental health professional. Documentation must establish.... or (c)Significant improvement during the semester preceding the Requirement to Withdraw.
Was the case study straightforward? If not, what factors made the case study less than straightforward? Is it possible to carry the values or intentions through to actual implementation? Is it actually possible to put a ‘human face’ on academic policies or is it personality- dependent?
Given that SEM requires data to be effective, what measurements would determine the effectiveness of an academic policy?
David Wood, Registrar Mount Royal College Calgary, AB, Canada