This presentation will not cover every aspect of Graduate (G) reporting, but should be used to improve your understanding of the EMIS reporting process for Graduates. As always, please refer to the EMIS Manual for reporting requirements and instructions. 2
Reporting Entities Processing Schedule/Timeline/Reporting Periods Withdrawing Students Data Elements Graduation Rates ODE EMIS Reports SDC (Secure Data Center) 3
All City, Local, & Exempted Village school districts Community Schools STEM Districts State Supported Schools JVSDs & ESCs do NOT report G data 4
Graduate data is based on CTE courses APPROVED in the October (K) reporting period. The diploma date and summer OGT scores are reported by student’s Local Report Card accountable district. [NOTE: JVSDs and Contract CTE providers do not report these data.] Data is used for final calculation of counts for CTE and Tech Prep Concentrators Who Left Secondary Education. Data is used for final calculation of CTE performance results for Academic Attainment—Reading (1S1) and Mathematics (1S2), Student Graduation Rates (4S1), Nontraditional Completion (6S2) and Completion of Course Awarding Postsecondary Credit (1STP4 and State Quality Indicator 2). Graduate Reports FY2014 CAREER-TECHNICAL EDUCATION PERFORMANCE INDICATORS REPORT (TXT_2013G_STU_CTEG_PERFORM) Aggregated and disaggregated (by student subgroup) performance data for approved workforce development programs. Two types of reports: ◦ A school district report for each school district that operates approved CTE courses. ◦ A Career-Technical Planning District (CTPD) report for the CTPD lead district – Contains all CTPD district reports and the CTPD-wide report. CSV File Associated with (G) CTE Performance Indicators Report (CSV_2014G_STU_CTEG_ PERFORM) A district-level comma delimited file of individual student data for students enrolled in approved CTE workforce development courses. File based on Graduate (G) FY2013 Career-Technical Education Performance Measures Report. CSV file may be converted to a spreadsheet for review of individual student data; student names may be added locally for ease of review 5
14N EMIS Reporting: May 2, 2014 to July 30, 2014 Withdrawal, testing, etc. data reported for graduates 14G EMIS Reporting: June 13, 2014 to November 14, 2014 Diploma, CORE, etc. data reported for graduates FY15 EMIS Reporting Withdrawal data reported for summer graduates 6
The student graduates on or after the first day of the current school year and before the first day of the following school year. Withdraw code of 99 “Completed High School Graduation Requirements” reported in either Yearend or S Reporting. Or, the student attends during the current school year, withdraws then returns to the district with credits earned elsewhere. The district then issues a diploma prior to the first day of the following school year without the student re-enrolling in the district. Or, the student earned a diploma but did not attend during the current school year (Graduation Only Record) 7
Completed graduation requirements and: ◦ Are withdrawn with a 99 after last day of school or on or before June 30 th. Report withdrawal at Yearend (N) ** OR ◦ Are withdrawn with a 99 on or after July 1 but before the first day of school for the following school year. Report withdrawal in S Reporting Period. **See next slide 8
Reported in Yearend (N) or Student (S) as a typically withdrawn student (FS, FD, FN, etc.) OR Use the Student Missing Override Record (FC) if not reported correctly in yearend (N) –Withdrawal date BEFORE the last day of the prior school year OR Report the Student Summer Withdrawal Record (FL) if not reported as a typically withdrawn student in Student Reporting Period (S) –Withdrawal date ON or AFTER the last day of the prior school year 9
Withdrawal codes are NOT reported in Graduate (G) reporting Withdrawing students correctly is key in the accuracy of your graduation rate Withdrawal documentation must be on file Make sure you use correct withdrawal dates 10
Student completes coursework at the JVS & is graduating from their resident district. Both the JVS & the resident district report a 99 withdrawal code. JVS should withdraw non public students with a 42 withdrawal code & homeschooled students with a 43 withdrawal code. Open enrolled student completes graduation requirements at their attending school. The open enrolled district reports a 99 withdrawal code since they are issuing the diploma. The resident district withdraws the student to the open enrolled district with a 41 withdrawal code. 11
Student withdraws from District A to attend District B, withdraw the student from District A using code 41 “Transferred to Another Ohio School District”. When withdrawing a student with a 41, be sure that the enrolling district uses the same SSID as your district reported. This is a very critical step to ensure the student is counted in the correct graduation cohort. 12
Students withdrawn with the following codes should not be included in the withdrawing district’s graduation rate: ◦ 40 – Transferred to Another School District Outside of Ohio ◦ 41 - Transferred to Another Ohio School District **See previous slide** ◦ 42 – Transferred to Private School ◦ 43 – Transferred to Home Schooling ◦ 45 – Transferred by Court Order/Adjudication ◦ 46 – Transferred out of the United States ◦ 48 – Expulsion ◦ 51 – Verified Medical Reasons ◦ 52 – Death of Student ◦ 81 – Student Reported in Error 13
In Previous Years, The Office of Accountability released the Supplementary EMIS Data Submission Form to allow districts to request the correction of withdrawal codes reported in a closed reporting period. This process was only used in specific situations & the district must have supporting documentation Watch for communications from the Office of Accountability regarding this process 14
Students who are on track to graduate from your district Students who are not on track to graduate from your district Students who are potential Summer Graduates Students who have met graduation requirements & who are going to defer their diploma & continue being educated (grade level 23) Students who are graduating early (one example, graduating 11 th graders) 15
Students who completed graduation requirements during the school year & were withdrawn on or after the first day of the current school year. Non resident students who are graduating from your district. Resident students who have graduated elsewhere. Foreign Exchange Students graduating in Ohio or withdrawing. 16
Diploma Date – The date the student received his/her diploma Diploma Type** ◦ 1 – Regular Diploma ◦ 2 – Diploma with Honors ◦ 3 – Diploma received in another state via Military Compact (Reported by district issuing diploma) ◦ 1 and 2 are the only valid options for receiving an Ohio diploma **Watch for possible changes. 17
CORE Summary Record ◦ Reported in G for graduates only ◦ Reported for each student in each CORE area in which the student received credit/units toward graduation ◦ Reported by the district that grants the diploma ◦ Don’t forget summer grads ◦ Graduation Only students should not have a CORE Record ◦ Report the most specific CORE area that would apply ◦ ODE does not allocate excess credits to electives 18
CORE Economics & Financial Literacy Requirement Met CORE Fine Arts Requirement Met Exempted from Physical Education Graduation Requirement CORE Graduation Requirement Exemption Code- Indicates student’s status of the Ohio CORE requirements opt out exemption. 19
Fiscal Year Student Began 9 th Grade ◦ This element is not used in graduate reporting, but is still required. ◦ The first time an SSID is reported in 9 th grade is used to determine when a student began 9 th grade, and this could have happened in a previous district. 20
OGT Test Records – Summer Graduates ◦ Summer Administration June 16 th to June 29 th, 2014 ◦ Results were due back August 4 th, 2014 OGT Test Records – Incorrectly reported at yearend Military Compact Graduation Alternative Count (must meet Military Compact criteria to report passage of up to five areas of the OGT) OGT Graduation Alternative Element (must meet specific criteria to report passage on one graduation test using alternative method) 21
If a student leaves your district & enrolls in a new district with the same SSID, the student will be removed from your district’s cohort. If a student leaves your district (withdrawal code 41) & doesn’t enroll anywhere, the student will remain in your cohort. If a student leaves your district (withdrawal code 41) & receives a different SSID at the new district, the student will remain in your cohort. 22
New for FY14, reported in Yearend (N), but can be reported in Graduate (G) for graduating students ◦ American College Testing Assessment (ACT) ◦ The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) ◦ International Baccalaureate (IB) ◦ Advanced Placement (AP) This is critical this year for students who are in year 4 or 5 of their cohort. Grad Scores used for next year’s report card measure, may be the only opportunity to report for these students. If 4 year graduate, data needs to be reported in G this year. Students still enrolled next year can be reported this year or next, ODE will hold any results reported. Only students graduating or moving away must be reported this year. 23
Deactivation of SSIDs should only be done if neither district is reporting the student in a way that they can report an SSID change for the student. In the case of one student with multiple (duplicate) SSIDs, the “old” district would deactivate their SSID & point to the SSID that is reported by the “new” district. 24
Student Special Education Requirement Record (FE) ◦ Report in G only if applicable FE record was not reported in N ◦ Indicates exemptions for sections of the OGT for students on IEPs ◦ Report one record for each applicable assessment type ◦ Must align with current IEP event ◦ If students are exempt from passing the OGT, and are marked as such on the Special Ed Events (FE) record, they still need to be marked on the Assessment (Grad Test Req) field as N. If not, an error will show on the Grad_Info report as student has not met testing requirements. 25
“First day next year” must be accurate on the DN record in yearend (N) reporting as this is used to determine summer graduates prior to the start of Student (S) reporting. First day of school and last day of school must be accurate on the DL records in Yearend (N) as these are used to determine if a student is included in Graduate (G) reporting. 26
Records for Graduates only ◦ Graduation Only Test Record (GP) Only reported if the student was NOT enrolled during the current school year. Graduation Only Students are only included in LGR reports if the SSID was included in that specific cohort & the student graduated within the timeframe of the cohort (4YR, 5YR). Grad Only records were not part of the old graduation rate. ◦ Use Flat File Editor to report the Graduation Only Record (SI/DASL) ◦ Consult EMIS Manual Section 2.16 Graduation Only Test Record for valid options. 27
Numerator/Denominator ◦ Numerator - the number of students in the adjusted cohort that complete graduation requirements & receive their diploma within four years. ◦ Denominator - the number of students in the adjusted cohort ◦ Appearance of the four year graduation rate on the Local Report Card is one year behind to allow for reporting of summer grads. 28
Reporting a student for the first time in 9 th grade assigns the student to a cohort, a group of individuals who are banded together or treated as a group. This “cohort” of students is used to create your district’s four year graduation rate. On-time graduates are students who earn & receive their diploma within four years of starting 9 th grade for the first time. 29
Students can be added to a cohort by enrolling in your district from another Ohio school based on when they began 9 th grade, or who returns to your district from the original cohort, or who enrolls in Ohio for the first time in a grade level that places them into this cohort. Students can be removed from a cohort if they withdraw from your district & are not considered a dropout. Full Academic Year (FAY) rules do not apply to graduate data. 30
Students not included in the four year gradation rate: ◦ Students court placed into an institution, or parentally placed into an institution (1P/1T) ◦ Contract Vocational Students (12) ◦ Students attending a non-public (16) ◦ Career Tech Assessment Only Students (1F) ◦ Students receiving related services only, no instruction (1l) ◦ Department of Youth Services (DYS) Students 31
Students attending BDD/MRDD must earn a diploma within four years to be included in the numerator of the graduation rate. Grade 23 special education students who have completed graduation requirements but do not accept their diploma & continue attending school will not count in the numerator unless they accept their diploma within four years of starting 9 th grade for the first time. 32
Numerator/Denominator ◦ Numerator – the number of students in the adjusted cohort that complete graduation requirements & receive their diploma within five years. ◦ Denominator – the number of students in the adjusted cohort. Appearance of the five year graduation rate on the LRC is two years behind to allow for the fifth year & for reporting summer graduates. Same rules as the four year graduation rate with the exception of a fifth school year of data. 33
Report card & Graduation Rates specifically for Dropout Recovery Schools ◦ Four Year Grad Rate ◦ Five Year Grad Rate ◦ Six Year Grad Rate ◦ Seven Year Grad Rate (coming in 2013/2014) ◦ Eight Year Grad Rate (coming in 2014/2015) More information can be found on the ODE website at Search “Dropout Recovery” 34
STU_GRAD_INFO.csv ◦ Generated using data from N, G, & S ◦ 2014X_STU_GRAD_INFO.csv Generated for public districts, community schools, & JVSDs. Uses withdrawal information from Yearend (N) & Student (S) reporting & uses graduate information from the Graduate (G) reporting period (not for any specific cohort). Uses data reported by your district & from other districts that have a relationship with the student Consider the timing of the reporting periods when troubleshooting graduate reports Provides a way to verify that graduates have been reported correctly 35
Districts sharing students will see one line per reporting entity per student for comparison purposes Report contains: ◦ Entity IRNS ◦ Student SSID, Gender, Race/Ethnicity ◦ Withdrawal District, Date, & Reason and reporting period it came from ◦ Grade level next year, diploma district & diploma date ◦ Status code & messages 36
Refer to the Grad_Info Report Explanation Documentation for a list of Status Codes/Messages along with explanations & possible actions. Messages will address: ◦ Mismatches on SSIDs you reported in Yearend (N) & Graduate (G) for graduates ◦ Withdrawal data from N & S that do not make sense with Graduate (G) data ◦ Dates reported that aren’t within the graduation parameters for the district ◦ Students who have not met Testing Requirement for Graduation ◦ Students graduated then re-enrolled ◦ Students reported with override in Student (S) ◦ Students previously reported as graduates 38
“Good data” ◦ Only certain checks are performed in this process, therefore inaccurate information could still be reported, but not be flagged. ◦ Please be sure to review the data in this report & make sure that the information is correct & appropriate for the situation. 39
G STU_LONG_GR_20xx (14G Reports) ◦ 2014_4YR ◦ 2015_4YR ◦ 2016_4YR ◦ 2017_4YR ◦ 2013_5YR N STU_LONG_GR_20xx.csv (14N Reports) ◦ 2014_4YR ◦ 2015_4YR ◦ 2016_4YR ◦ 2017_4YR ◦ 2013_5YR 40
Denominator = “Y” will indicate who is included in the graduation rate Denominator = “N” indicates the student is not included in the graduation rate Numerator = “Y” indicates the student counts “for” the district Numerator = “N” indicates the student counts “against” the district or is not included in the graduation rate Number of students with Numerator = Y divided by number of students with Denominator = Y Example: 241/250 = 96.4% Graduation Rate 41
Status messages indicate why students are or are not included in the graduation rate. Some examples are: ◦ A – This SSID already included in another graduation cohort ◦ E – SSID does not meet selection criteria to be included in the Grad Rate for this district ◦ F – SSID listed as transfer out; SSID excluded from grad rate calculation for this district ◦ J – This SSID is included in another district’s Grad Rate based on enrollment information ◦ P – SSID included in Grad Rate for this district ◦ S – SSID not included in district Grad Rate, only included in state level totals. 42
Gen_Issues errors that apply to G reporting ◦ Refer to the General Issues Report Explanation Documentation for a complete list of errors ◦ 4 or 5 YR LGR percentage is blank, 0% or >=100% ◦ Large Change in LGR>=5% change ◦ Grad Issues Duplicate reporting same student as graduate multiple times ◦ Occasionally Gen-Issues errors are informational only & cannot be resolved 43
Data from 14N/14G will appear in the SDC at some point after 14G opens Go to “Reports for Analysis”, “Graduation”, “District Longitudinal Graduation Rate – Customizable” and from there you can choose which grad rate you want to view. View the graduation rate & drill down to the SSIDs that make up that graduation rate. The 13/14, 4YR Longitudinal Grad Rate & the 12/13, 5YR Longitudinal Grad Rate will appear on the 14/15 LRC. 44