Lesson 1: Develop an understanding of registration process via MyPCC, including adding/dropping classes, selecting a grade mode, and important deadlines. Lesson 2: Show students how to access to register and access pertinent registration information via MyPCC. Lesson 3: Assist students to add/drop classes via MyPCC.
Log in to MyPCC Add Classes Go to the MyPCC Home tab, and click Add/Drop Classes in the Registration Services channel.
Look up classes Click Look Up Classes, then select the term you would like to register for and click Submit.
Choose the subject area Select the subject of your class and click Course Search. (Optionally, you can click Advanced Search to search for classes by campus, classes taught on a particular day, or even classes taught by a specific instructor.
View sections This brings up a list of all the types of classes available in that subject area. Find the class you are looking for and click View Sections.
Check for available seats The column titled Rem shows how many seats are available in the class. If there are no seats, check the WL Rem column to see if there are seats on the waitlist. As waitlist space becomes available before the class begins (up to 24 hours prior), students will automatically be taken off the waitlist and registered for the class. An will be sent to the MyPCC account to confirm the moved from the waitlist into the course.
Register for the class! When you've decided which class to register for, check the checkbox on that row, then go to the bottom of the page, and click Register.
Log in to MyPCC From the Home tab, click View My Class Schedule. Select the term and click Submit.
From class schedule
From change grade options Once the student has selected the grade option the student should scroll to the bottom and click on Submit Changes. If there isn't a dropdown there isn't a grade option other than the default.
If there is a registration error it will appear towards the bottom of the current schedule page.
If a student has holds but they are unaware, when they attempt to register they will get a hold message. To view holds go to the Home tab, click Check Registration Status, Holds, and Overrides. Select the term and click Submit.
If the Registration Status page shows there are holds, Students must scroll towards the bottom and click View Holds. The View Holds page will specify the nature of the hold.
Late registration ends two business days after the course drop deadline. For 8-12 week classes, the late registration deadline is the second Tuesday of the term. Class registrations cannot be added after this date.
During the late add period students may receive an override from an instructor. Students can check their overrides via MyPCC. Log in to MyPCC From the Home tab, click Check Registration Status, Holds, and Overrides. Select the term and click Submit.
If instructors have entered overrides a list will be available for the student to review. After classes start students will need a late add and may need a capacity override if there is an active waitlist.
View deadlines Go to the MyPCC Home tab, click View My Drop & Withdraw Deadlines in the Registration Services channel.
Drop Classes Go to the MyPCC Home tab, and click Add/Drop Classes in the Registration Services channel.
Student must select the class they wish to drop. From the dropdown menu. They would select Drop (100% refund) or Drop/Pending Approval for short term classes. Click Submit Changes to save changes. Drop pending approval will take over night. If the class is within the drop deadline it will refund the class if not it will withdraw the class. If it passed both it will re-register the student.
Classes that are not eligible for a refund will offer Withdraw as an option. Student must click Submit Changes in order for the changes to save.
Registration Online Registration Waitlist Registration Policy Drop