Academic Advising Implementation Team PROGRESS REPORT April 29, 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Academic Advising Implementation Team PROGRESS REPORT April 29, 2009

Early Alert Findings and Data Sources Usage Summary  Use has grown from 227 in spring of 2007 to 353 in spring of Partial Success/Retention Assessment  New students represented 1/3 of those submitted for early alert, approximately ½ passed the course with a C or better. Peer Institution Summary  Austin, Miami Dade, Dallas County and Sinclair community colleges all had programs they referred to as early alert, which were primarily programs to follow up at the end of the semester once grades were posted. Early Alert Surveys  157 faculty members completed the survey, of the 50% that indicated they used the early alert current system, most said it was for attendance issues at 80% and approximately 80% of those that used the system stated it was very or somewhat effective in resolving the student’s issues. Recommendations  Implementation of Datatel’s Retention Alert product is in progress. Full implementation expected Fall Assessment Instruments  Reports of usage by faculty members and students.  Reports of satisfaction by faculty members and students. 2

Probation Outreach Findings and Data Sources Peer Institution Summary  Johnson County, Sinclair, Dallas County, Miami Dade, Rose State and Tulsa community colleges each had outreach programs for students. Most programs were associated with letters sent to students following the semester who fell below a 2.0 encouraging them to seek advisement, most reported about 50% participation from students. Dallas County was one of the only institutions that placed a hold on student accounts forcing them to meet with an advisor for enrollment. Student Survey  53 students responded to a survey sent to 1000 students, overwhelmingly students cited personal “life” issues as their reason for poor performance in the classroom. Institutional Data  1924 students on probation during fall 07, most were age (63%), 42.1% returned to OCCC in the spring, 48% transferred to other institutions within the state, 22.8% were retained to fall 08 at OCCC, on-line students on probation had comparable success, persistence and retention rates to those in face to face courses. Recommendations  Currently piloting outreach efforts through the Office of Academic Advisement targeting currently enrolled students on probation that are enrolled in one or more developmental courses. Outreach approach is based on Appreciative Advising theory. Expand and alter plan as appropriate. Assessment Instruments  Participation numbers.  Student satisfaction surveys.  Student success, persistence and retention data.  Academic advisor input. 3

Progress Reports Findings and Data Sources Peer Institution Summary  Johnson County, Sinclair, Dallas County, Miami Dade, Rose State and Tulsa community colleges none reported an outreach program or formal reporting process for midterm grades. Student Survey  Students enrolled in a course for which the faculty member was using the ANGEL gradebook to help students know their current score in a class were surveyed. 176 completed the survey. Over 90% indicated that they used the ANGEL gradebook and felt it contributed to their success and over 60% indicated a desire to have midterm grades formally reported. Faculty Survey  Faculty members who utilized the ANGEL gradebook to help students track their progress in the course were surveyed. 17 completed the survey. Overall faculty believed that it contributed to student success and they would be interested in additional training on using the ANGEL gradebook function more effectively. Recommendations  Currently piloting use of ANGEL gradebook function to aid students in tracking progress in the course. 17 faculty a part of pilot project. Will expand project as deemed necessary by data collected. Plan to implement additional training for faculty in the use of ANGEL gradebook for Fall Assessment Instruments  Student satisfaction surveys.  Student success, persistence and retention data. 4

Withdraw Alerts Findings and Data Sources Peer Institution Summary  Johnson County, Sinclair, Dallas County, Miami Dade, Rose State and Tulsa community colleges all reported no outreach efforts to address students who withdraw from a course. Institutional Data  Demographic data (ACT score, age, gender, race, etc) were not found to correlate with when or if a student dropped a course. Recommendations  Once Datatel’s Retention Alert Product is implemented for use with the Early Alert project, explore expansion to use the program to reach out to students who withdraw from courses by collecting and following up as appropriate on “exit survey” data. Expected implementation is FY2011. Assessment Instruments  TBD based on the nature of the withdraw alert program’s specific structure. 5

Distance Advising Findings and Data Sources Usage Data  Use of the current system for distance advising has increased by an average of 10% over the last 3 years. Product Summary  Data outlines the cost and functionality of six products that may be used in the administration of a real time distance advising service. Recommendations  Once other advisement implementation team efforts are in place and a clearer target date for enhancements to the student view of the information system can be established, work collaboratively to make a decision regarding what product to purchase and the timeline to proceed. Expected implementation FY2011. Assessment Instruments  TBD based on the nature of the final plan. 6

On-Line Academic Plan Findings and Data Sources Product Demonstration  Collaborative review of the Student Course Planning and Smart Registration component of the e-Advising suite offered through Datatel. Recommendations  Product has been purchased. Details of consulting visits are in progress. Full implementation expected in Spring Assessment Instruments  Student satisfaction surveys.  Student usage.  Academic advisor feedback. 7

Advisement Model Findings and Data Sources NACADA Best Practices  Collaborative review of the NACADA recommendations regarding appropriate advisement models based on institutional type. Peer Summary  Rose State, Johnson County, Dallas County and Sinclair community colleges each operate within a version of a centralized advisement model. ACT Student Opinion Survey  Results illustrate a need for more convenient advisement services. Recommendations  Pilot use of 1 to 4 faculty advisors from each division, on an adjunct contract, to provide four hours of academic advising availability in the central office each week. Pilot to begin summer Assessment Instruments  Student satisfaction surveys.  Student usage.  Academic advisor feedback. 8

Workflow Findings and Data Sources Faculty & Academic Advisor Focus Groups  Academic advisors across the institution identified several processes and forms to be targeted for review. Recommendations  Between Fall 2009 and Spring 2011, review the processes and forms listed below. Adjust processes and implement electronic forms as appropriate.  Diversified Studies Contracts  Overrides  Declaration of Major  Updating Student Data  Faculty Approved Electives  Registration Forms Assessment Instruments  On-going feedback from academic and faculty advisors and others as appropriate. 9