Why Asia FoodNet? Foodborne diseases – important & growing public health problem in many countries. Epidemiology of diseases have change; new pathogens, more cases, new food vehicles. Need good data to support priorities and policy and evaluate preventive and control strategies. Foodborne diseases surveillance – Asia Foodnet is an essential tool in sharing surveillance information among countries – more powerful policy and priorities setting.
Aim of Asia Foodnet Share information on foodborne pathogens and chemical hazards of significance in Asia. Priority: issues of transboundary significance and of particular importance for the region. Provide a forum for sharing resources. Facilitate development of increased capacity in foodborne diseases surveillance programs among participating countries.
Aim of Asia Foodnet Build capacity of counties to conduct burden of diseases studies. Encourage open and rapid communication early in the process of addressing evolving foodborne disease issues Make and answer enquiries regarding analytical procedures, epidemiology, outbreak investigation. Support enhanced outbreak detection and response in Asia through sharing of expertise.
Aim of Asia Foodnet Share information on best practices in areas related to foodborne disease surveillance program. Exchange knowledge, expertise, tools and guidelines on new studies on the burden of foodborne diseases and Foster links with global networks and those in other regions to exchange information and expertise relevant to the members of Asia Foodnet.
How Asia Foodnet operates listserve Restricted to members Moderated Approval required before postings disseminated Will not alter but ensure appropriate and clear
How Asia Foodnet operates Share information Published: outbreak summary, outbreak investigation report, manual. Protocols Unpublished: outbreak detection – through e- mails, lecture videos, internet learning, video of key steps of lab test activities Capacity building outbreak detection, identification, investigation and traceback and withdraw
How Asia Foodnet operates Informal information exchange National surveiilance data Journal articles Manuals (OB investigation, lab protocol, OB case interview sheet, OB investigation sampling methods etc: Tips for lab test, fund raising, surveillance, research design, OB investigation Conference/meeting/training schedule Outbreak information Good outbreak communication practice
Barriers Language Content (what and how to expand, by who)
How to overcome barriers Translate to English Web navigators to find relevant info for Asian Foodnet Monthly (mandatory) submission of anything interesting
Members Epidemiology Laboratory Surveillance Food safety Must have sufficient understanding and access to information to participate meaningfully
Confidentiality Information not shared with nonmembers Existing regulations regarding outbreaks remain in effect – does not duplicate INFOSAN Permission to share may be sought directly from originator
Members Epidemiology Laboratory Surveillance Food safety
Progress Informal channel. Sharing of information. Getting more members.