Certification Exam Reimbursement Letter Miya Brevard
Districts may apply for reimbursement of certification exams taken by students during the school year, and the agency will reimburse the cost of each exam up to $350 per exam under the following conditions:
Exams Eligible for Reimbursement Application The student who takes the exam must either have successfully completed the career and technical education (CTE) program of a school district or charter school in which the student receives training and instruction for employment or have been enrolled in a special education program. The student must have taken and passed the certification exam to qualify for a license or certificate prior to July 31, The certification exam passed by the student must be an end of program exam included on the 2013 Performance Effectiveness Report (PER). The district must have paid the fee for the examination.
Certification Exam Reimbursement The application period opened Monday, May 26, 2014, at 8:00 a.m. CDT – TEA will return any application that arrives before that time – The time of submission after Monday, May 26, 2014, at 8:00 a.m. CDT will determine the applicant’s place in line The application period ends when appropriately submitted applications total $500,000 – TEA has $500,000 for reimbursement in the school year – TEA will disburse the funds on a first-come first-served basis
Next Steps… Appropriate file name format: [district] 2013 CTE Superintendent-appointed district coordinator Appropriate subject line: [district] 2013 CTE The body of the must contain the “statement of certification” the completed application – Accellion, a secure file transfer protocol – ed verification of the submission within five (5) working days
Certification Exam Reimbursement Letter Miya Brevard,