1.1WHY REGISTER Registration at the Belgian Health system even International insurance Your homeland takes time to reimburse Medical cost versus Students status Hospitalization costs are high and must be paid directly to hospital except if you have your: European health insurance card Proof of registration at PARTENAMUT
1.2REGISTRATION COST EU students with the European Health Insurance Card No cost if less than 12 months Student status (with school certificate) Compulsory insurance: € 58,32/quartely Euromut advantages: € 8,5/month
1.3REGISTRATION COST Resident NON EU student (with Belgian residence card) Basic insurance Euromut – Partena Advantages: o French part speaking : € 8,5/month o Dutch part speaking: € 7,5/month
2.1WHEN VISITING A DOCTOR Identification Sticker Pay full amount cash (no credit card) Receive a medical attestation It can be green, blue, white or orange Attach your identification sticker Bring your claim to PARTENAMUT Office rue des Boiteux BNP Paribas office Onto your bank account (10 days)
2.2AT THE PHARMACY CategoryReimbursement %Example A100Insulin B75Antibiotics C40-60Anti-Allergy DNo reimbursementAspirin Identification sticker Pay non reimbursable amount only
2.3AT THE HOSPITAL call and make an appointment at the reception, provide your identification sticker No need to pay Invoice will be sent to you Bring your claims to Partenamut Office
2.4EMERGENCIES In an emergency or after consultations hours: Go directly to the hopital via the emergency department Worst medical cases come first Family doctors also provide emergency services at night and during the weekend Do not make improper use of this service Hospital has the right to refuse you
3.1PARTENAMUT IN BELGIUM Partena - Euromut health insurance is an independent & apolitical public (state) insurance provider with the following responsibilities: Reimburse health care expenses (doctor, medicines, hospital..) Provide replacing income Represented in Belgium in National & International companies
3.3BECOME A WEB MEMBER To order document: identification stickers, adress change etc.. To calculate your reimbursement To search for general information: rates, doctors, hospitals..) Chech your file
4.FOLLOW UP Presence at the following dates: 16th October from 12 AM until 2 PM 23th October from 12 AM until 2 PM Where At the cafetaria