Review product newest enhancements Talk about potential enhancements for this upcoming year General ‘happiness’ discussion Online videos are available from our website – add those links right from your staff website as reminders that they are available to your new staff
Review new vendor find in cheque Review and ensure people know its purpose
Review new browse/attach – available in cheques, cash receipts, journal entries AND bank reconciliation Discussion as to what impact on filing/paperwork this could accomplish! What will you attach? Can you go paperless? This could be incredible for auditing !!
Understanding being in balance: Your GNL.588S confirms if you are in balance too now, as does your account lookup screen. The bank statement procedure confirms you are in balance to today.. If these look good you are in balance! Re-running previous month’s bank rec will always say ‘not in balance’ We do not hold the bank balance at any given date/transaction – impossible to balance as at a certain date If you want to balance to the bank at the end of each month – the only way to accomplish this is to monthend close. I am in Balance
Use of Reimbursement: ( pay in SchoolBooks but should have been out of district funds so you want to be paid back ) Are schools utilizing this great feature to add reimbursement details and create a P/O Requisition for payback? Should we enforce that reimbursements submitted match the total amount to the reimburse account … If you are asking for funds back that charge should ALWAYS be to the reimbursement account! IS THIS IMPORTANT: Tough job but we could attach an Employee# to an account – so through EmployeeConnect a person could do an account lookup and the one GNS.505 report.. Worth it????
eCommerce – Allow students/parents to make online payments for student fees Marks payment screen – post to SchoolBooks with a different payment type to assist in balancing with moneris The application does not directly affect SchoolBooks but schools will be affected with an additional balancing step to confirm the moneris statement to the payment activities. – More about ecommerce.. Thursday Session 1pm
Is anyone still using Core … time to make that SCHFMS menu blank! Comfortable with the application – any frustrations? Anyone still hand-writing cheques – should be producing from SchoolBooks Connect!