CCELP Local Meeting For more information about CCELP: The California Comprehensive Early Learning Plan Local Stakeholder Input Meeting Your Location Date of Your Meeting 1
CCELP Local Meeting For more information about CCELP: Welcome 2
CCELP Local Meeting For more information about CCELP: Today’s Agenda Welcome Getting Started Developing the CCELP Clarifying and Building on Plan Elements Prioritizing Final Plan Elements Meeting Follow-Up / Next Steps Evaluation / Final Comments Closing and Thank you 3
CCELP Local Meeting For more information about CCELP: Getting Started Imagine you found a genie in a bottle and that genie granted you three wishes to: make a difference for California’s youngest children, their families and educators, and other early learning and care stakeholders and develop or transform the early learning and care system in California 4
CCELP Local Meeting For more information about CCELP: Getting Started What three things would you wish for that would help create an extraordinary future for California’s children? 5
CCELP Local Meeting For more information about CCELP: Developing the CCELP Overview of: –CCELP Background, Purpose, and Timeline –CCELP Planning Team –Meta-Analysis Report –Stakeholder Engagement Process 6
CCELP Local Meeting For more information about CCELP: CCELP Background, Purpose, and Timeline –The federal Head Start Act requires California to maintain a State Advisory Council (SAC) on Early Childhood Education and Care –SAC is responsible for providing guidance and recommendations on the state’s early learning and care system –U.S. Department of Health and Human Services allocated to CA funding to support its work in these areas including development of a comprehensive statewide plan for an integrated early learning system, the “California Comprehensive Early Learning Plan (CCELP)” 7
CCELP Local Meeting For more information about CCELP: CCELP Background, Purpose, and Timeline –The California Comprehensive Early Learning Plan (CCELP) will: Articulate a long-term vision for early learning in California Provide a set of practical recommendations for achieving that long-term vision Address policies and programs affecting children from birth through age five Provide a design for the future of the state’s early learning system 8
CCELP Local Meeting For more information about CCELP: CCELP Background, Purpose, and Timeline –Spring-Summer 2012: Conducted a meta- analysis of the status of existing services for children from birth to age five; –Summer-Fall 2012: Implement an interactive and participatory statewide strategic planning process, including local/virtual stakeholder meetings; and –Winter 2012-Spring 2013: Develop a comprehensive plan for California’s early learning and care system including a monitoring process and resource allocation plan 9
CCELP Local Meeting For more information about CCELP: CCELP Planning Team OrganizationRole San Mateo County Office of Education Coordinating the development of the plan American Institutes for Research Conducting research and policy analyses Glen Price Group Facilitating stakeholder engagement process EducationCounsel / Ounce of Prevention Fund Writing of the actual plan Council of Chief State School Officers Providing state and national advice on school readiness 10
CCELP Local Meeting For more information about CCELP: Meta-Analysis Report 11 American Institutes for Research 81 reports reviewed –California-based –Published since 2000 Executive Summary, Full Report, and County level data (Appendix) Free and downloadable at source-documents source-documents
CCELP Local Meeting For more information about CCELP: Meta-Analysis Report Part I 12 Condition of Children in California –Population growth –Poverty –Family risk factors –Dual language learners –Community risk factors –Health risk factors
CCELP Local Meeting For more information about CCELP: Meta-Analysis Report Part II 13 Access to early learning and care Program quality assessment Facilities Family engagement Dual language learners Developmental screening Assistance to children with special needs Summary of Reports on Early Care and Education in California Early childhood mental health Child assessments Effective data practices Food and nutrition Kindergarten transition Finance and governance issues Early childhood workforce development Appendix: Statistics by county
CCELP Local Meeting For more information about CCELP: Meta-Analysis Report: Some Key Data 14 *Source: California Department of Finance 17% increase
CCELP Local Meeting For more information about CCELP: Meta-Analysis Report: Some Key Data 15 *Source: American Community Survey **Source: California Department of Education
CCELP Local Meeting For more information about CCELP: Meta-Analysis Report: Some Key Recommendations 16 Target programs first to children who are currently income-eligible. Create preschool programs to reach and support language-isolated dual language learners. Establish nutrition and physical activity requirements for child care programs. Streamline and centralize the process for eligibility determination at the county level rather than the state. * All recommendations summarized from AIR’s review of 81 recent reports on early care and education in California. Sources listed in full report.
CCELP Local Meeting For more information about CCELP: Meta-Analysis Report: Some Key Recommendations 17 * All recommendations summarized from AIR’s review of 81 recent reports on early care and education in California. Sources listed in full report. Determine eligibility for part-day developmental programs at the time of application, and maintain eligibility even if family circumstances such as employment change. Increase reimbursement rates for Title 5 programs such as State Preschool to be at least equivalent to those for voucher programs, which are held to lower quality standards than Title 5.
CCELP Local Meeting For more information about CCELP: Meta-Analysis Report: Some Key Recommendations 18 * All recommendations summarized from AIR’s review of 81 recent reports on early care and education in California. Sources listed in full report. Create a tiered-reimbursement system to evaluate and accordingly reimburse programs based on quality elements. Provide additional training for ECE teachers in particular areas of need, including children with special needs, dual language learners, and effective teacher-child interactions to support cognitive development.
CCELP Local Meeting For more information about CCELP: Meta-Analysis Report: Some Key Recommendations 19 * All recommendations summarized from AIR’s review of 81 recent reports on early care and education in California. Sources listed in full report. Create child care–friendly land use policies and procedures that encourage child care facility development. Remove barriers to blending and braiding funding sources in order to cover the full cost of a quality program. Restore or increase funding to early childhood services in the state.
CCELP Local Meeting For more information about CCELP: Stakeholder Engagement The CCELP planning process envisions stakeholder engagement through four principal mechanisms: –Key Informant Interviews (completed) –Survey (closed) –Regional Workshops (during October) –Local and Virtual Stakeholder Meetings (October – November 16 th ) 20
CCELP Local Meeting For more information about CCELP: Four Regional Workshops 21 Fresno – October 2, Fresno County Office of Education Sacramento – October 8, California Department of Education – Wait Listed Los Angeles – October 18, Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce - Wait Listed Oakland – October 29, California Endowment Oakland Conference Center – Wait Listed
CCELP Local Meeting For more information about CCELP: Clarifying and Building on Plan Elements Building upon the emerging vision and information we presented earlier today, we will begin identification of what CCELP should recommend as key priorities moving forward 22
CCELP Local Meeting For more information about CCELP: Definition CCELP Element: A policy area or infrastructure component of the early learning and care system that will be addressed in the California Comprehensive Early Learning Plan 23
CCELP Local Meeting For more information about CCELP: CCELP Elements Access to Quality Early Learning and Care Attention to Food and Nutrition Child Assessment to Support School Readiness Collecting and Tracking Child Data Developmental Screening and Services to Children with Special Needs Dual Language Learners Early Childhood Mental Health/Health Facilities Family and Community Engagement Finance, Governance, and Other Systems Issues Kindergarten Transition Program Quality Assessment Workforce Development 24
CCELP Local Meeting For more information about CCELP: Clarifying and Building on Plan Elements 25 Facilitator Instructions Scribe Instructions Tally Sheet Element Recommendation Worksheet 1 per person + Final for Group
CCELP Local Meeting For more information about CCELP: Clarifying and Building on Plan Elements How I ranked these: Also, I think that we should…
CCELP Local Meeting For more information about CCELP: Clarifying and Building on Plan Elements 27 1 C1 Child Assessment to Support School Readiness C
CCELP Local Meeting For more information about CCELP: Clarifying and Building on Plan Elements 28 Reasons for our results: Additional recommendations: 3 1 2
CCELP Local Meeting For more information about CCELP: Clarifying and Building on Plan Elements 29 These recommendations and the scoring activity are starting points for discussions with your group and providing input on the development of the CCELP.
CCELP Local Meeting For more information about CCELP: Clarifying and Building on Plan Elements 30 Please move to the table with the element you are most interested in. Who would like to volunteer to be a facilitator or scribe at your table?
CCELP Local Meeting For more information about CCELP: Clarifying and Building on Plan Elements 31 Approximately 45 minutes Introductions (5 mins) Individual worksheets (10–15 mins) As a group, share and tally your individual rankings. Record final results. (10 mins) Discuss results and reasons for rankings. (15 mins)
CCELP Local Meeting For more information about CCELP: Prioritizing Final Plan Elements –We know we need to do all of this eventually but what do you think is the highest priority to focus on right away? –Please vote using your dots. You may use up all your dots for one element or distribute them. 32 Access Child Data Dual Language Facilities Food & Nutrition Workforce
CCELP Local Meeting For more information about CCELP: Meeting Follow-Up / Next Steps Results of votes Facilitator’s follow up: Submit notes to CCELP planning team Ways to stay up to date with CCELP progress and continue to participate: 33
CCELP Local Meeting For more information about CCELP: Evaluation / Final Comments Please fill out individual evaluation forms Then discuss as a group: 1.What was useful about our work today? 2.What suggestions do you the other regional planning workshops? Report out 1–2 key points by table for Question 1, then 2 34
CCELP Local Meeting For more information about CCELP: Closing Thank you! 35