University of Massachusetts Boston Catherine Paquette, Deputy Project Manager
Policies & Initiatives Reduce Green House Gas emissions Reduce drive-alone trips Active transportation choices Increase bicycle and pedestrian travel Sustainable transportation practices Smart growth development
Encouraging Mode Shift MassRIDES = Statewide Travel Options Program Carpool, vanpool, transit, bike, walk, telework Reduce traffic congestion Reduce emissions Employers - outreach and worksite services Commuters - ridematching, incentives, promotions and marketing
MassRIDES Outreach 335+ partner organizations 475,000+ commuters Worksite focus – commute travel
MassRIDES Outreach Commute Options Programs Marketing – newsletters, orientations Emergency Ride Home Onsite events Preferential parking Bike racks, showers, lockers Transit passes available Monthly promotions Transit, vanpool subsidies Formal telework, CWW Pre-tax benefits Shuttle, carshare Incentives Foundation/ Educational
MassRIDES Outreach Commute Options Programs Marketing – newsletters, orientations Emergency Ride Home Onsite events Preferential parking Bike racks, showers, lockers Transit passes available Monthly promotions Transit, vanpool subsidies Formal telework, CWW Pre-tax benefits Shuttle, carshare Incentives Onsite Support/ Added Visibility
MassRIDES Outreach Commute Options Programs Marketing – newsletters, orientations Emergency Ride Home Onsite events Preferential parking Bike racks, showers, lockers Transit passes available Monthly promotions Transit, vanpool subsidies Formal telework, CWW Pre-tax benefits Shuttle, carshare Incentives Policy & Financial
MassRIDES Outreach Commute Options Programs Marketing – newsletters, orientations Emergency Ride Home Onsite events Preferential parking Bike racks, showers, lockers Transit passes available Monthly promotions Transit, vanpool subsidies Formal telework, CWW Pre-tax benefits Shuttle, carshare Incentives
MA Commuter Vanpool Program Subsidy Program Guidelines – ½ or up to 600/month per vanpool Origin or destination in Massachusetts 7 to 15 passenger capacity MassDOT authorized vanpool Vanpool members share costs- fuel & maintenance Ultimate Goal – Grow the MA Vanpool Fleet!
MassRIDES Programs Online Ride Matching Commuter Incentives
MassRIDES Programs Emergency Ride Home Commuter Insurance Personal/Family Emergency Carpool Partner Leaves Reimburse for Taxi or Rental Car 4 Times Each Year
Catherine Paquette