Site Visits for EPSCoR RII Track-1 Awards FY13 Pilot 1 NSF EPSCoR PD/PA Meeting May 22, 2012 Uma Venkateswaran NSF EPSCoR
Site Visits Goals: Evaluate project progress - all aspects of RII Track-1 - value added to the state Outcomes: - showcase RII accomplishments and facilities - feedback and recommendations from a panel of experts - potential new collaborations due to knowledge of facilities/expertise 2
When, Who, How Pilot in FY13 subject to budget availability For two of the FY10 cohorts (AR, LA, NE, PR, RI, TN, WV) – to be announced by the end of the meeting In lieu of the second Reverse Site Visit at the end of Year 3 or start of Year 4 3
Format Two-day event – day and a half of presentations and half day for report writing External panel and NSF Program Officers at no more than two sites, incl. host institution Presentations – could include partners through live web broadcast Agenda and logistics prepared in coordination with EPSCoR office and host institution 4
Features Presentations – all project components Poster session – all partners and participants * Working lunch with students, junior researchers * Working breakfasts with project leadership * NSF policy - panelists and NSF staff will reimburse costs of meals Debriefing – initial feedback at the end of visit Executive sessions – NSF and Panel for charge, plans, and report writing (need projector, printer) Site Visit Report and follow-up (similar to RSV) 5
Timeline (proposed) 6 March Finalize SV dates April Tentative SV Agenda May Jurisdiction for logistics (venue, hotel room, SV logistics) June NSF for panel set-up, panelists July NSF for panel correspondence (travel, review package); Aug Jurisdiction to send detailed, finalized agenda Late Aug., - Site Visit at host institution(s) early Sept. 2013
Thank You 7