Foxhole Technology Big Data Analytics Challenge Foxhole Confidential
Rules and Incentives $500 for the first Foxhole employee to build an acceptable functional prototype Participation is voluntary using personal time. Participants are not permitted to work on this while at a client site or using client furnished equipment. Opportunity to gain experience with technologies that are growing in demand owth_expected_for_Hadoop_MapReduce_related_revenues_ID C_ owth_expected_for_Hadoop_MapReduce_related_revenues_ID C_ henry-sienkiewicz.aspx?Page=1 henry-sienkiewicz.aspx?Page=1
Instructions Create a Hadoop cluster using Amazon S3, EC2, and EMR (FH will reimburse up to 0.40/hr for AWS) Analyzing-ebook/dp/B007Q4LMMI Analyzing-ebook/dp/B007Q4LMMI Create an Ozone widget prototype that displays a graph of Apache log data from your Hadoop cluster via Hive (+Thrift/JDBC) mapreduce.html mapreduce.html WF/7-GA/ WF/7-GA/
Deliverables A functional prototype that, at a minimum, performs the basic functions of the system it is supposed to represent to the degree necessary to clearly and unambiguously demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach. A description of all simulators, data generators, interface mock-ups, or simplifications that were used in the prototype because the systems or components they represented were not available from the original instructions. Listing of any 3rd party support tools or software used in the development of the prototype. All software and support tools are to be open source. All source code and configuration files written/modified by the participant for the prototype sufficient to install and demonstrate the prototype. Installation instructions, basic user instructions, and any other materials needed to install and demonstrate the prototype. Deliverables shall be provided electronically via this form