Sesame Business Network Ethiopia Mekelle, March 21 st 2015 Risk management
We have been looking at the production side, the financial sector and the marketing side was a very bad year for farmers: low yields and much lower prices This triggers attention for the subject of ‘Risk management’ ‘Risk management’ is also a good theme for bringing the subjects of the annual meeting together. Introduction
2014 was a difficult year: low yields, decreasing price, problems of credit reimbursement
Multiple risks in the sesame sector: Weather and Production Credit Marketing Other risks Multiple risks
Example other risks: roads and accidents
We would like to have your ideas ! Three rounds : How can production, credit and market risks be reduced or mitigated? Please work in pairs. Write down your ideas and suggestions on a card : use key words, readable handwriting please ! We will later on analyse the cards and report on the outcomes in workshop report, on website and in the next newsletter. Risk management action plan
Round one : Production risks Can you think of production risks for farmers?
Drought at beginning of the season, forcing replanting of sesame or replanting with sorghum Drought during season: affecting flowering and sesame seed production Drought
Pest and diseases
Weather hazards (hail, wind,..)
Improved agricultural practices are more costly. Will this pay off (in good / bad years). That is big question and risk for farmers What is the marginal rate of return of fertilizer use, row planting, drying on plastic sheets,.... ? Economic risk of intensification
What are practical options for reducing or mitigating risks at the production side ?..... ???? What could/should be done?
Experience and perspectives for agricultural insurance Nyala Insurance Insurance
Round two : Credit risks
Banks do not (sufficiently) know the farmers, and not (sufficiently) able to assess whether they are serious / capable of paying back their loans Farmers do not know the banking language and do not know information and security to provide, what responsibilities they have to take Credit
Loans may come to late; loans not available later during the growing season Farmers may have to turn to informal money lenders and incur high credit costs Farmers are susceptible to external conditions that may cause crop failure, hence problems to reimburse. This puts the portfolio of banks and MFI’s at risk. Credit
What are practical options for reducing or mitigating risks at the financial/credit side ? What could be done?
Round three: Market risks
Dependency on some main markets
Market price fluctuations – international price trend (USD) Past 5 years ; Jan 2010 – Dec 2014
Market – ECX price trend (ET Birr) Oct 2012 – Dec 2014 Price volatility in past years Totally different trends in 2013 and Increase Oct- Dec Decline Oct- Dec 2014)
Prices are unpredictable for farmers and for buyers, putting their farming, processing, storage and trading activities at risk of loss Are there options for market trend analysis, price stabilization ??? Serious risks
..... ???? Market risks : what could/should be done?
Sesame Business Network Ethiopia Reporting on outcome Capitalizing on your contributions Workshop report: please leave your address at secretariat Website: Newsletter: