Nicholas Finch Local Programs Engineer Federal Highway Administration Preview of Federal-aid 101 Authorization Overview: Where we are! Where are we headed?
Agency within US DOT Responsible for Federal-aid Highway Program - $42 Billion per year nation wide - $300 Million per year in Nebraska - $60 Million available for LPA’s Nebraska Division (~15 FTE) Stewardship and Oversight Partnership with NDOR
Planning & Programming Contract Administration Consultant Procurement Right-of-Way Environment Engineering Reimbursement Civil Rights QC/QA
Environmental Justice ROW (Uniform Act) Clean Air Act Clean Water Act 4(f) – (49 USC 303 – USDOT Act) Various Permits Endangered Species Act / NESCA Hazardous Materials Historic Preservation (Section 106) Executive Orders (several) Noise Wetlands Public Involvement MUCH MUCH MORE!
Federal, State and Local Relationship State and Local Responsibilities Conceive, plan, design, initiate and construct projects Maintain and operate highways FHWA does not select or prioritize projects
Federal, State and Local Relationship Federal Responsibilities Review and approve State proposals Develop regulations and guidance Promulgate standards Provide technical assistance Distribute funding (line of credit) Reimburse States for eligible expenses
AuthorizationAct Authorization Act Highway Trust Fund Federal legislation (SAFETEA-LU) Multi-year Establishes funding levels Establishes national programs & policies Motor fuel taxes Special fuel taxes Truck related taxes
4 million miles of public roadway Local and Rural Minor Collectors Based on Functional Classification
Roadways 9 96,551 miles Roadways September, 2010
10 Roadways, September, 2010
11 Roadways, September, 2010
12 Distribution of Spending Authority $60 Million Total Potential Spending Authority For Nebraska Local Agencies
NHSCMAQ Authorization Act (SAFETEA-LU) IM STPBR - Multi-year ($193 B) - Funding by FY ($38.6 B) - Funding by program - Funding by formula - Distributed to States $38.6 B Each program has unique characteristics $4.5 B$6.3 B$1.8 B$6.6 B$5.2 B How does the Funding Get to Nebraska? Other Programs
NHSCMAQ Authorization Act (SAFETEA-LU) IM STPBR NE KS CO - Multi-year - Funding by FY - Funding by program - Funding by formula - Distributed to States $38.6 B Each program has unique characteristics $4.5 B$6.3 B$1.8 B$6.6 B$5.2 B Other Programs
Thru Annual Appropriations Act National Spending Limit Established Known as Obligation Authority Each State Receives Spending Limit by Formula Budgetary Control License to spend funding
Funding To NE Local Agencies $13.8 M Omaha Lincoln <200K <5K $5.6 M $12.7 M $9.9 M STP Flex $25.2 M Bridge On System Off System Typical Sources STPBridge
Funding To NE Local Agencies Enhancement TCSP HighwayHigh Risk Rural Roads Other Sources of Federal-aid (TE) Safety (HSIP) Safe Routes To School Scenic Byways Emergency Relief RRX Safety Rec Trails
SAFETEA-LU expired September 30, 2009 7 extensions Current Extension expires 9/30/2011 Gas Tax Expires 9/30/2011 Two years from end of bill (SAFETEA-LU)
Extension or New bill Complicating Factors Source of funding? Gas tax? Vehicle Mileage User Fees? Other?
1. Nicholas Finch Local Programs Engineer Division Website