Vocations Period One Mr. Salter 1
We live in a sexually saturated society ◦ Sex is used to sell virtually everything We are sold to believe sex is for selfish, pleasure-seeking good Sex is widely seen as a toy In Jesus’ lifetime ◦ Divorce was common, marriage rates were low Ironically, similar to our time 2
Christ Takes Marriage Back to the Beginning p. 63 ◦ Though divorce was common, Jesus challenges the Pharisees to a deeper understanding of marriage ◦ Marriage as a covenant The Covenant of marriage and Divorce p. 64 ◦ A covenant is an agreement (promise) between two parties ◦ Covenants in the Old Testament are conditional and unconditional Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David A covenant promises ones self ◦ Genesis tells how Adam and Eve become one flesh In other words, they form a covenant They give (promise) their whole self 3
Indissoluble Bond p. 66 God’s covenant establishes two critical aspects ◦ People participate in the covenant O.T. sacrifices, circumcision, obedience N.T. Baptism, Eucharist ◦ People make present the covenant O.T. obeying the Law would make them free Being free, makes them like God; able to witness to God’s goodness Te sacrament of Marriage participates in the New Covenant, and makes present the self-giving love of the New Covenant ◦ Marriage is a gift, a covenant, which cannot be broken Marriage is like a mirror, it reflects the love of a man and woman as the faithful love of God Marriage makes present God faithfulness; God’s covenant 4
◦ We are created in God’s image and likeness But through marriage, we can reveal God’s image in a much stronger, clear way God is in relation with Himself, the Trinity ◦ God said, “It is not good for man to be alone.” God desires unity and community ◦ Marriage reveals man at the moment of communion Similar to the Eucharist ◦ Marriage allows us to participate in God’s very life Two acts are needed to make an indissoluble bond: 1.Commit to each other for life, until death 2.Then by sexual intercourse, consummate the marriage (meaning to perfect, or bring to the highest level of fulfillment) 5
Premarital Sex and Living Together p. 69 ◦ Humans are unique in that we are in solitude with God We are symbolic We are created to be in unity; for love We are nuptial; to be in one flesh ◦ Sex belongs to the world of symbol and love Sex is not selfish; not a toy Sex is not an experimental activity (to try out a relationship to see if it “will work out”) ◦ Sex consummates It elevates a relationship; perfects a relationship Sex is mysterious because it is symbolic and nuptial Sex is (should be) a seal on a relationship 6
◦ Sex seals, rather than initiates a relationship Sex prior to marriage can confuse its intent The exchange of pleasure can easily be confused for “love” Thus the saying of being in lust, rather than in love Chastity can help clarify intent; safegaurd the treasure ◦ Oxytocin – the bonding hormone Released by a female during sexual intercourse There is a natural law, leading couples to bond during intercourse Hormone is physical term Bonding is a spiritual term Sex within marriage expresses a profound unity; it is a language of love Sex with multiple partners leaves part of “you” with each 7
Contraception p.72 ◦ Latin – Against Conception ◦ Form of preventing conception: Male Coitus interruptus Condom Vasectomy Female Oral contraception (The Pill) Diaphragm Spermicides Tubal ligation 8
◦ The Church has always taught contraception is wrong ◦ Based on TOB, JPII says: One of the purposes of sex is procreation; (divine and human) Humans create the body God creates the soul When humans contracept procreation, they deliberately exclude God from the sex act Animals reproduce, humans procreate Fertility is a blessing; to manipulate it is acting against God natural order Because we are symbolic, we are spiritual and physical To divorce the spiritual from the physical thwarts the meaning of life 9
◦ The second reason JPII gives against contraception: We are Nuptial beings To fully embrace a woman for who she is, we must embrace her full physical being (reproduction cycles) To ask or expect her to use chemicals or false devices to alter her blessing of fertility, thwarts God’s plan With contraception, it could be said, that couples symbolically use each other, rather than love each other Real love gives itself in open, honest communication It could be said that contraception communicates a “lie” with one’s body 10
Natural Family Planning (NFP) p 75 ◦ Married couples can “plan” their families while having reverence for each other The Church teaches that sex is good, healthy and life-giving As for the number of children, it should be a mutual, sacramental decision ◦ NFP is symbolic, in that it preserves our Original Unity and Nakedness NFP incorporates full communication between husband and wife A women monitors her body to learn when she is fertile They then have or avoid intercourse 11
◦ The Church gives the following reasons to plan for children: The reason must be just, and not selfish Physical difficulties of one of the spouses Psychological difficulties for one or both spouses Financial difficulties Social reasons (war, natural disasters, family tension) ◦ This is why NFP expresses a sacramental reality 12
Pornography, Masturbation and Oral Sex p. 78 ◦ Pornography and masturbation remove the symbolic nature of sex The human person is reduced to only a physical thing Our invisible dimension is removed In pornography, women/men are seen as objects In masturbation, sex is a selfish act, frequently used with lustful fantasies using others Acts can become patterns; patterns habits; habits-addictions Oral sex is a form of mutual masturbation 13
Homosexuality p. 80 ◦ Homosexuality is a difficult topic According to God’s original plan, man is meant for woman Homosexuality is a disorder, in that it is against natural order ◦ Therefore, homosexuals have two pains: Being attracted to a person of the same sex “Why am I attracted to the same sex, when others are not?” Knowing they can never be of “one flesh” with another No face to face physical union Homosexual acts are seen as immoral All non-married people should live a chaste lifestyle All people should be loved with compassion and understanding 14
◦ Much study is being conduced about: The causes of homosexuality Healing and therapy for homosexuals Obviously this is perceived as not politically correct 15