Genotype and Phenotype What is the difference?. Review Words  Characteristics – are the category of a trait –  Example – eye color, height, likes/dislikes.


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Presentation transcript:

Genotype and Phenotype What is the difference?

Review Words  Characteristics – are the category of a trait –  Example – eye color, height, likes/dislikes  Traits – the physical, social, and emotional qualities of an organism  Example – blue eyes, tall, hates carrots  Dominant Trait – when a majority of an organism shows the trait.  Example – most pea plants show as tall  Recessive Trait – when a minority of an organism shows the trait.  Example – few pea plants show as short  Alleles – all the possible choices for a characteristic  Example – eye color – blue, brown, gray, green

Genotype  How the genes code for a specific trait.  If the trait is dominant it uses a capital letter  Example – Tall (T)  If the trait is recessive it uses the same letter but lower case  Example – short (t)  Genotypes always have two letters – one for dad and one for mom

Types of genotype  Purebred (homozygous) dominant – the genes only have the dominant trait in its code.  Example – Dominant Tall -- TT  Purebred (homozygous) recessive – the genes only have the recessive trait in its code.  Example – Recessive short – tt  Hybrid (heterozygous) – the genes are mixed code for that trait.  Example – hybrid Tall -- Tt

Phenotype  The outward appearance of the trait.  How an organism looks  How an organism acts  How an organism feels

Tricks to remembering the difference between Genotype and Phenotype  Genotype – deals with GENE CODE.  Phenotype – deals with looks you can take a PHOTO with.

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