“Stronger” trait Will show as long as gene is present Represented by capital letter (B)
“Weaker” trait Needs to have 2 to show up Represented by lowercase letter (b)
What YOU look like Example: roller, non-roller, red hair, non-red hair
What the genes look like (letters of genes) Example: Rr, RR, rr
2 of the same alleles (genes) Example: RR, rr
1 of the same alleles (genes) Example: Rr
13 Homozygous Dominant = TT
(Homozygous) Recessive = tt Heterozygous= Tt
Likelihood that an event will happen Used to predict in genetics
Animals with no pigment Lack of color in eyes allows to see through to blood vessel = red eyes
Some “normal” animals carry the albinism gene (a) Must have 2 recessive genes for albinism (aa)
Now it’s time for PUNNET SQUARES!
Chart used to show possible gene combinations
Glue in the small piece of paper you were given in the remaining space!
Normal Squirrel Albino Squirrel Phenotype: Normal Genotype: AA or Aa Phenotype: Albino Genotype: aa x
AA a a AaAa AAaa Chances: 100% not albino 0 % albino
Aa a a Aaaa Aaaa Chances: 50% not albino 50 % albino
Aa A a AAAa Aaaa Chances: 75% not albino 25% albino
Heterozygous Tongue Roller Phenotype: Roller Genotype: Tt Heterozygous Tongue Roller Phenotype: Roller Genotype: Tt
Homozygous Tongue Roller Phenotype: Roller Genotype: TT Homozygous Tongue Roller Phenotype: Roller Genotype: TT