Quit Information Seminar
Aims of session To: help you to understand why people smoke provide information about quitting methods and products discuss strategies to assist quitting provide information about resources and support
Stages of the quitting process
Thinking about quitting: making the decision to quit conflict I want to quit more than I want to smoke reasons for quitting
Three aspects of addiction and dependence physical habitual emotional What are your triggers?
Chemical addiction nicotine is the drug in tobacco that causes addiction some common symptoms of withdrawal (positively known as recovery symptoms) –headaches –upset digestion –changed sleeping patterns –coughing –irritability
Habitual connection Smokers link behaviour with cigarettes triggers: coffee craving cigarette alcohol craving cigarette phone craving cigarette food craving cigarette What are your triggers?
Emotional/psychological connection Smokers link feelings with cigarettes triggers: stress craving cigarette happy craving cigarette sad craving cigarette angry craving cigarette What are your triggers? Many smokers are influenced by each of the different aspects of smoking behaviour.
Planning to quit – cigarettes, medication and mental health chemicals in cigarettes change the way some medications work see your doctor if you are taking any medication quitting can be stressful if you have experienced depression, anxiety, or other mental health conditions, consult your doctor before quitting
Planning to quit - quitting methods going cold turkey cutting down postponing
Planning to quit – quitting products nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)/therapeutic nicotine: –nicotine patch, gum, lozenges (mini), inhaler and mouth spray –for nicotine dependent smokers –available over the counter medications –bupropion (nicotine free pill; prescription drug) –varenicline (Champix; nicotine free pill; prescription drug)
Subsidised products patches (a variety of strengths) Varenicline Buproprion doctors will also ask the smoker to provide a commitment to enter a comprehensive support and counselling program
Planning to quit – quitting products helps relieve physical withdrawal symptoms and cravings can double your chance of quitting successfully compared to a smoker who quits using nothing, if used correctly and for the right amount of time combined with counselling and ongoing support (such as the Fresh Start course or Quitline), it further increases your chance of quitting successfully
Some important information about NRT/therapeutic nicotine nicotine by itself has not been shown to cause cancer or heart disease nicotine replacement products do not contain the many dangerous chemicals found in tobacco smoke using nicotine replacement therapy/therapeutic nicotine to quit is always safer than continuing to smoke
Some important information about NRT/ therapeutic nicotine For quitting products to be effective, a person needs: to be nicotine dependent 1.smoke your first cigarette within 30 minutes of waking OR 2.smoke10 or more cigarettes a day OR 3.had cravings and/or withdrawal symptoms in previous quit attempts use the product as recommended stick to the program for an appropriate length of time
Some general information about NRT/ therapeutic nicotine combination therapy is another option: 16hr patch is combined with 2mg nicotine gum, 2 mg/1.5 mg lozenge or mouth spray combination therapy may benefit those who have relapsed while on one nicotine replacement type or if they are still experiencing withdrawal symptoms using a single type
Dealing with concerns about quitting withdrawal symptoms –4Ds, NRT and prescription medications weight gain –healthy eating and exercise stress –relaxation exercises, stress management alcohol and social situations –planning ahead loss of a friend –normalise; there is light at the end of the tunnel
Quit plan A quit plan includes: quitting method quit date or cutting down chart strategies to replace smoking reward system support network
Relapse distinguish between slip up and relapse slip up: a cigarette or two or a few puffs relapse: a return to full time smoking look at slip ups and relapse as a learning opportunity – you have not failed review reasons for quitting
Quit’s services and resources Quitline 13 QUIT ( ) - fax referral sheets telephone call-back service Quit courses Quit pack/multicultural resources information sheets self-help DVD relaxation CD websites: – –
Quitline National Quitline number: 13 QUIT ( ) cost of a local call (approx. 30c; mobile phones extra) Hours of operation: Telecentre - 24 hours Quit counselling: 8am - 8pm, Monday to Friday Link to Translating and Interpreter Service (TIS) and Aboriginal Advisors also available
Quitline - flow chart of service
Telephone callback service 2 calls during the preparation stage up to 4 calls commencing around quit date a practical service assists smokers to plan and make a quit attempt helps smokers get through withdrawal and daily cravings helps smokers understand that quitting is a process rather than a single event
Quit’s courses Quit’s courses are for smokers who want to quit, cut down and/or learn to manage their smoking during smokefree times and when desired. Fresh Start 8 sessions over 4 weeks sessions are between hours Short course 2 sessions, 2-3 weeks apart sessions are 3 hours Quitline support between sessions
Fresh Start Course outline Session 1 – Understanding smoking and quitting Session 2 – Planning to quit Session 3 – Health effects of smoking & quitting methods Session 4 – Coping without cigarettes physically Session 5 – Coping without cigarettes emotionally Session 6 – Staying stopped in the short term Session 7 – Staying stopped in the long term Session 8 – Enjoy being a non-smoker forever
Short Course outline Session 1 – Understanding your smoking and preparing to quit Quitline support Session 2 – Dealing with quitting challenges and staying quit
Summary identify reasons to quit that are important to you make a firm decision understand your own smoking behaviour plan your quit attempt learn from previous experiences and start again access resources and support