I. Dillmann Institut für Kernphysik, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe KADoNiS The Sequel to the “Bao et al.” neutron capture compilations.


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Presentation transcript:

I. Dillmann Institut für Kernphysik, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe KADoNiS The Sequel to the “Bao et al.” neutron capture compilations

JINA/ CARINA Workshop, ECT* Trento, Iris Dillmann Pioneering work: 1971 B.J. Allen, R.L. Macklin, J.H. Gibbons, Adv. Nucl. Phys. 4 (1971) 205 History of stellar neutron capture compilations  Review of the role of neutron capture reactions in the nucleosynthesis of heavy elements Collection of recommended MACS at kT= 30 keV Range: C - Pu Semi-empirical estimates for isotopes without exp. MACS

JINA/ CARINA Workshop, ECT* Trento, Iris Dillmann The 1st Bao Compilation (1987) Z.Y. Bao and F. Käppeler, ADNDT 36 (1987) 411  Collection of recommended MACS at kT= 30 keV for s-process studies: (n,  ) for isotopes between 12 C and 209 Bi (n,p) and (n,  ) reactions between 33 S and 59 Ni (n,  ) and (n,f) of long-lived actinides

JINA/ CARINA Workshop, ECT* Trento, Iris Dillmann The 2nd Bao Compilation (2000) Z.Y. Bao, H. Beer, F. Käppeler, F. Voss, K. Wisshak, and T. Rauscher, ADNDT 76 (2000) 1 H. Beer, F. Voss, and R. Winters, Astrophys. Journ. Suppl. 80 (1992) 403 Follow-up compilation:

JINA/ CARINA Workshop, ECT* Trento, Iris Dillmann The 2nd Bao Compilation (2000) Z.Y. Bao, H. Beer, F. Käppeler, F. Voss, K. Wisshak, and T. Rauscher, ADNDT 76 (2000) 1  Collection of recommended MACS at kT= 30 keV for big bang and s-process studies  Range: 1 H – 209 Bi In collaboration with T. Rauscher (NON-SMOKER):  Semi-empirical estimates for isotopes without experimental MACS (norm. xs from NON-SMOKER accounting for known systematic defienciencies in the nuclear input of the calculation)  Tabulated stellar enhancement factors  Tabulated MACS vs. kT (5 keV≤ kT≤ 100 keV)

JINA/ CARINA Workshop, ECT* Trento, Iris Dillmann  Online library of cross sections relevant for big bang, s-process and p-process studies I. Dillmann, M. Heil, F. Käppeler, R. Plag, T. Rauscher, and F.-K. Thielemann, AIP Conference Proc. 819, 123 (2006) PART 1: Update of Bao et al. compilation (2000) ONLINE SINCE APRIL 2005 big bang, s process (n,  ), [(n,p), (n,  )] kT= keV p process PART 2: Experimental p-process database UNDER CONSTRUCTION (p,  ), (p,n), (p,  ), (  ), ( ,n), (n,  ) and inverse within Gamow window KADoNiS

JINA/ CARINA Workshop, ECT* Trento, Iris Dillmann 355 isotopes between 1 H and 210 Po 89 (25%) only theoretical KADoNiS v0.0: April 2005 (=Bao et al. 2000) KADoNiS v0.1: Jan KADoNiS v0.2: Jan  38 updated exp. MACS  14 new exp. MACS 75 (21%) only theoretical KADoNiS v1.0: 2008 (paper version) Maxwellian (n,  ) cross sections

JINA/ CARINA Workshop, ECT* Trento, Iris Dillmann KADoNiS Datasheet available isotopes References Recommended values

JINA/ CARINA Workshop, ECT* Trento, Iris Dillmann KADoNiS Datasheet Quick links to other nuclei MACS30 vs. N

JINA/ CARINA Workshop, ECT* Trento, Iris Dillmann KADoNiS v0.2: Basis for an update of existing reaction libraries First step: only (n,  ) and ( ,n) reactions !!! normalization to updated recommended (experimental and semi-empirical) MACS at kT= 30 keV of KADoNiS v values

JINA/ CARINA Workshop, ECT* Trento, Iris Dillmann Activation technique Case 1 (easy): only unresolved resonances Case 2: few resolved resonances Case 3: many resolved resonances “nomalization factor”: NF=  (eval) /  (exp)

JINA/ CARINA Workshop, ECT* Trento, Iris Dillmann Any further use of the “normalization factors” at kT= 30 keV ?

JINA/ CARINA Workshop, ECT* Trento, Iris Dillmann Problem: How to extrapolate activation data ? Measurement only at one energy (e.g. kT= 30 keV) extrapolation to lower (kT= 5 keV) and higher energies (kT= 100 keV or up to kT= 260 keV for p process) take consistently one energy dependence (e.g. NON-SMOKER)? take the energy-dep. with smallest deviation at kT= 30 keV ? uncertainty of extrapolation? = uncertainty of diff. energy-dep. ?

JINA/ CARINA Workshop, ECT* Trento, Iris Dillmann Case 1 (ideal): normalized energy-dependencies agree over large energy region Case 2: normalized energy-dependencies agree around normalization point, but deviate beyond Problem: How to extrapolate activation data ?

JINA/ CARINA Workshop, ECT* Trento, Iris Dillmann Case 3: energy-dependencies agree around normalization point, but deviate at higher energies. Original data is just the opposite ! Problem: How to extrapolate activation data ?

JINA/ CARINA Workshop, ECT* Trento, Iris Dillmann extrapolation to higher energies Comparison of energy-dependencies at higher (E n > 10 keV) energies with NON-SMOKER is comparison of different Hauser-Feshbach models !!!!

JINA/ CARINA Workshop, ECT* Trento, Iris Dillmann KADoNiS: Future work to do New semi-empirical estimates (collaboration with T. Rauscher) MACS30 from other theoretical predictions (Talys...?) Change in physical properties (t 1/2, I , isotopic abundance, self- absorption...) caused changes in already measured cross sections: Changes possible in: N i (due to isotopic abundance) decay constant (t 1/2 ) decay intensities I   -ray self absorption (  )

JINA/ CARINA Workshop, ECT* Trento, Iris Dillmann Additionally (as in Bao 1987): (n,p) and (n,  ) reactions for light nuclei (n,  ) and (n,f) of some long-lived actinides ? Show plot of reaction rate, plus 7 parameter fit ? yes! ? Give 7 parameter in data file ? ? direct link to resonance parameters (Mughabghab, Sukhorushkin) ? ? direct links to JEFF, JENDL, ENDF-B files ? ? direct link to JANIS, graphical comparison of eval. data ? KADoNiS: Future work to do (II)

JINA/ CARINA Workshop, ECT* Trento, Iris Dillmann In progress: p-Process Database Collection of all available experimental data for p-process studies: ( ,n), ( ,  ), ( ,p), (n,p), (n,  ), (p,  ), and inverse rates linked to EXFOR entries starting from Fe (useful?) at the moment only collection of radiative capture data need to extrapolate data down into p-process region to do: particle exchange chanels: (p,n), ( ,n)…

JINA/ CARINA Workshop, ECT* Trento, Iris Dillmann

JINA/ CARINA Workshop, ECT* Trento, Iris Dillmann