Adjective placement Grammaire
Il y a 2 genres d’adjectifs Those that come after the noun they describe. (The majority) Those that come before the noun they describe. (The exception)
Examples of adjectives that go after the noun they describe rouge orange* jaune vert bleu violet (violette) noir blanc (blanche) marron* gris rose De quelle couleur est/sont...? Agreement still applies! All of the other adjectives you know go AFTER the noun they describe!
B.A.G.S adjectives BAGS adjectives go BEFORE the noun they describe. Beauty – beau, belle, joli(e) Age – jeune, agé(e) Goodness – bon (bonne), mauvais(e) Size – grand(e), petit(e) THESE ARE THE ONLY ADJECTIVES THAT GO BEFORE!
Slash sentences It’s a black dog. They’re young people. He’s a good brother. It’s a gray mouse. C’est un chien noir. Ce sont des jeunes gens. C’est un bon frère. C’est une souris grise.