Columbian Financial Group Go to Log in and click on Carriers Select Columbian Financial Group Access training material by clicking on the product on the page
Getting Forms Click on CFG SafeShield SI Term Apps, Forms and Info Select the correct state and click next
Printing Forms Print off the new business Checklist Print the application and Replacement form. Go ahead and print a application for policy changes part 1 and reinstatement application just in case you need it later You can also access ratebooks to do quotes by hand or you can use the NAA calculator which is an excel sheet Underwriting requirements for the product can also be accessed here SIT Height-Weight Chart SIT Unacceptable Risks
Underwriting For SIT underwriting click on the Unacceptable Risk This will provide you a list of what is approved for the product
Quoting Software For Quoting Software click on NAA Calculator Click on the SIT tab To get the safeshield calculator on your smart phone send a request to They will you a link back.
Running the Quote It will show you the monthly Premium It will also show how much they are getting back at the end of the term Select: Issue State: where ever they live Plan Type: 100% money back, 50% or 0 Back Level Premium Period: 30, 20, or 15 years Issue Age: How old they are Tobacco Class: Smoker or non smoker Premium Mode: Monthly EFT Riders: whichever they choose