Let’s face it, there’s lots of reasons why it’s a good idea to stop smoking. Over time your health deteriorates and your wallet feels the burn too. But even though quitting won’t be the easiest thing you’ll ever do, we reckon it will be up there with the best. Whatever your reason, thinking carefully about your motivation and reminding yourself during your quit, can really help you through the tough time. Why quit smoking?
1 month – £255: Premiership football tickets / a weekend break 1 year - £3,102.50: a new kitchen / holiday of a lifetime A WEALTHIER YOU After… 1 Day – £ 8.50: two movie rentals / download a new album 1 week – £59.50: a family cinema trip/ a meal for two *Figures based on a 20-a-day smoker paying £8.50 per packet of 20 cigarettes
Quick quit tips Get support Tell your family, friends and doctor you're quitting - they can help you.
20 minutes Your heart rate and blood pressure return to normal 8 hours 8 Hours Nicotine and carbon monoxide start to leave your body and oxygen levels return to normal. 24 Hours Your heart rate and blood pressure return to normal 8 hours A HEALTHIER YOU 48 Hours Nicotine has been eliminated from your body and your sense of smell and taste both improve months Any coughs, wheezing and breathing problems are reduced as your lungs repair weeks Exercise becomes easier and your breathing improves. 1 year Your risk of coronary heart disease is now half that of a smoker.
INCREASE your chances of quitting with the help and support of your local Stop Smoking Service FREE behavioural support and access to treatment (prescription charge applies) Drop in clinics & 1-1 appointments Ring for advice, appointments or more information Central Lancashire East Lancashire Freephone