Проект на тему «Легко ли быть молодым?» Боранчинская СОШ имени К.Б.Оразбаева 2015
After the constant use of certain drugs, some people develop a condition called drug dependence.
Any dangerous drug, even his one-time sample. Inevitably there is a habit. In the absence of the drug a person experiences a painful condition - abstinence. Its aims despair, anxiety, irritability, impatience, pain in the bones and muscles, it as in torture, suffering from heavy insomnia or nightmares. reception This drug stops flour, but not for long.
Smoking Smoking Smoking is anti-social! About people die every year because of smoking,and it is only in Great Britain. Each cigarette reduces life of the smoker to 5.5 minutes.
Many people begin and continue using drugs because they want a pleasurable change in their state and mind, but the user’s real problems always remain.
Youth drinking - a phenomenon no less scary than an addiction. Despite this, the government is not making any effort to deal with the problem.
The effect of smoking on the respiratory system of a person. Smoking is particularly strong effect on the respiratory system. Look at the lungs of a smoker. How is it so light can function?
Alcohol at least once in their lives tried 96 percent of respondents. Half of the girls and two-thirds of young men have taken alcohol at least twenty times in a lifetime. Four out of five students drank in the past month.
Currently, the labor market growing number of young people seeking help for employment in the employment services and often join the ranks of the unemployed, unable to find a suitable vacancy.
In the conditions of the Russian market economy, which are not yet fully passed the stage of formation, it is very difficult for young people to find their place in society and they face serious challenges in employment. In this regard, the state must effectively address the issue of youth employment, as young people - the future of Russia.
Youth is the best time of young people. The younger generation of today, does not have the clear direction in life. The young person must have an understanding of life and the world around them.He needs to understand what is good and what is bad.He needs to know the laws of the world in which he lives.The picture of the world that now is the young people Tamila,16
We are the future of our country. I think everyone should his own way to realize himself in this various world.It is important to set a goal and for it. As for parents, they must be attentive to young people. First we must have lovely family,good relations,love,respect.In such family child can live comfortable, teens can tell about their secrets and grown ups must understand them, support them,help and defend them. Alina,16
I believe not all young people are bad. Now,the newspapers are full of stories about bad teens.In todays world, many teen want to be smart and educated. Unfortunately most of them fall into bad company.Under the bad influence they begin to drink, smoke or take drugs.You must have to be a grown-up inside and a cigaretteor a bottle of beer wont help here. This wont help you look cool. These bad habits cause health problems in future. Aigul,15