1 Spectrum Finance Budget Transfer Self Service Banner (SSB) Training Agenda Log onto Spectrum Self Service Banner (SSB) Power Point Presentation Reviewing.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Spectrum Finance Budget Transfer Self Service Banner (SSB) Training Agenda Log onto Spectrum Self Service Banner (SSB) Power Point Presentation Reviewing FOAPAL Reviewing Budget Transfer(s) Reviewing Document Approval

2 Budget Log on to Spectrum Self Service easy to use internet accessible user friendly point and click to log in use your UUID and password Review Chart of Accounts (COA) Concepts FOAPAL Fund Organization Account (Must be Entered) Program Activity Location

3 Budget FOAPAL Fund six-character code that identifies a set of accounts and identifies ownership balance sheets and revenue/expense reports can be produced for any fund, which can be restricted or unrestricted examples of fund codes include Current Unrestricted Fund, Auxiliary Funds, and Endowment Funds Example: Unrestricted E & G

4 Budget FOAPAL Organization six-character code that identifies a unit of budgetary responsibility and/or departments within an institution normally used to define a responsible official (financial manager) codes may be established in a hierarchy of up to eight levels for roll-up and reporting purposes examples of organization codes include College of Education, School of Nursing, and Department of Human Resources Example: Purchasing

5 Budget FOAPAL Account five-character (data entry) code that identifies objects, such as the general ledger accounts (assets, liabilities, control, fund balances) and the operating ledger accounts (revenue, expenditures, transfers) codes may be established in a hierarchy of up to four levels for roll-up and reporting purposes examples of account codes include Supplies, Travel, Accounts Payable, Fund Balance, Tuition, and Salaries Example: Supporting / Clerical

6 Budget FOAPAL Program four-character (data entry) code that identifies a function and enables the institution to establish a method of classifying transactions across organizations and accounts codes follow the programs defined by the National Association of College and University Business Offices (NACUBO) codes may be established in a hierarchy of up to five levels for roll-up and reporting purposes examples of program codes include Instruction, Research, Academic Support, Student Services, and Plant Operations Example: 1000 Revenue Transactions

7 Budget FOAPAL Activity optional six-character code that is non-hierarchical and can be used to further define an object of expenditure, such as, temporary units of work, subsidiary functional classifications, or short duration projects no budget checking code will be maintained at the departmental level Example: TAF fund Index(s) have Activity Code(s)

8 Budget FOAPAL Location six-character code that identifies physical locations primarily used with Fixed Asset module scheduled to go live this fall codes may be established in a hierarchy of up to five levels for roll-up and reporting purposes Example: At this time, only used by Accounting for Inventory Tagging

9 Budget

10 Budget

11 Budget

12 Budget

13 Budget

14 Budget

15 Budget

16 Budget Finance Self Service Create Budget Transfers (only 2 lines) Create Multiple Line Budget Transfers (only 5 lines) Approve Documents View Document Purchase Requisitions

17 Budget Click on: Budget Transfer ( Note: 2 Lines ) Click on Journal Type Drop Down Box Select: BD4 (Department Temporary Budget Adjustment) UofM – Current Year Budget Revision Click on: Multiple Line Budget Transfer ( Note: 5 Lines )

18 Budget Do Not forget to enter Description Enter in Transfer Amount System will calculate Document Amount Note: Budget Transaction Amount - Minus or + Plus Click on: “Complete”

19 Budget Chart is “U” Type is “Index” Note: % is Wildcard

20 Budget User can Copy and Paste Index Number

21 Budget When you click on “Complete” Index will disappear Fund, Organization and Program will populate User will then need to enter Account(s) System calculated Document Amount Scroll to bottom of form for: Code LookUp – to find Account Do Not forget to enter Description

22 Budget Account Type 1x – Assets 2x – Liabilities 3x – Control Accounts 4x – Fund Balances / Net Assets 5x – Revenues 6x – Salaries / Benefits 60 – Salaries and Benefits 61 – Salaries 62 – Employee Benefits 7x – Expenditures 70 – Expenditures 71 – Travel 74 – Operating Expenses 75 – Departmental Revenue 78 – Capital Expenditures 79 – Scholarships and Fellowships 7A – Depreciation Expense 7B – Grant Related Expense Items 7C – Other Nonoperating Expense Items 7D – Loan Fund Deductions 8x – Transfers 9x – Fund Additions / Deductions

23 Budget Budget Pool Account Code Listing Note: Budget for Revenue and Salary use “Detail” Account Codes

24 Budget

25 Budget Note: If user forgets to enter Account(s) a long list of Errors will occur. User will then need to enter Account(s) Click on: “Complete” Scroll to bottom of form for: Code LookUp – to find Account

26 Budget Note: Write down “Document Number” Or Print –out form Do NOT click “Complete” Note: Click on Menu

27 Budget BD04, Temporary Budget Adjustment Banner Account Codes which require paper Budget Transfers 5xxxx, Revenue Account Codes 61110, 61210, 61310, 61312, and 61610, Regular Pay Positions 61x51, Interim Pay 61x81, One Time Bonus (Funds beginning with “12”) Transfer between Funds (121212, Tom the Tiger Conference to , Undesignated E&G) BD02, Permanent Budget Adjustment – All Account Codes must be on paper (Revenue / Salary / Benefit / Expense) Contact your Business Officer for assistance in preparing paper Budget Transfers (Budget Revisions) Banner Budget Transfers - Paper

28 Budget Finance Current Year Position Budget Transfer [Excel] Form FP-02: New Position Detail [Web] [PDF] NBAPBUD – HR Position Budget Revision [Excel Permanent Budget Adjustment BD02 Long Form (Base) [Excel] Permanent Budget Adjustment BD02 Short Form (Base) [Excel] Temporary Budget Adjustment BD04 Long Form (Current) [Excel] Temporary Budget Adjustment BD04 Short Form (Current) [Excel] Financial Planning Forms

29 Budget Document Approval Queue Budget Transfers will be routed to departmental approval queue After appropriate departmental approvals are secured, document will be routed to Financial Planning approval queue as defined Document Approval Review Document – click on document number to review Budget Transfer History – click to review approvals required and approvals secured for budget transfers Approve – select, if enabled, to approve a document Approve Document form Enter text in text box with reason for approval for INB messaging click Approve document for final approval or click Cancel to exit Disapprove – select, if enabled, to disapprove a document Disapprove document form enter text in text box with reason for disapproving for INB messaging click Disapprove document for final disapproval or click Cancel to exit

30 Budget Click on: Approve Documents

31 Budget If you know the Document Number, you can enter. Radio Button: Document for which you are the next approver Radio Button: All documents which you may approve. Use this to find all the documents in the queue that you may be able to approve and the status.

32 Budget Note: Type JV – can be Budget Revision Click on: Document Number

33 Budget Click on “Back” in tool bar Note: Status - Pending

34 Budget Optional to add comments You can DisApprove Document or Cancel (will return to Approval Queue) due to Conference sold out

35 Hands-On Exercise Budget Transfer Music Departments needs to fund $75. From Operating Expense Budget Pool To Travel Budget Pool to provide Travel funds for Songs of the South Tour.

36 Hands-On Exercise Multiple Line Budget Transfer Music Departments needs to fund $100. from their Operating Expense Budget Pool for: $65. to Temporary Instructor - Credit $25. to Academic Graduate Assistants $10. to Student Assistants – Hourly to fund salaries for Summer Term

37 The Staff of Financial Planning 273 Administration Bldg.; Main Phone: (901) FAX (901) ) Sharon Hayes, Director of Budgeting Deborah Becker, Associate Director of Budgeting Budget Questions, Salary Lapsing and Special Budget Issues Susan Hance, Office Associate BR Status/Org Charts Deborah Keeney, Senior Budget Analyst Auxiliaries, CarryForwards, Research & Analysis Terry Savage, Budget Analyst I Online BR Approvals, Online BR’s Finance Budget Revisions Wendy Williams, Budget Analyst I Online BR Approvals, Online BR’s, Salary Budget Revisions/New Positions

38 Budget Just enough time for questions !