ROGER WILLIAMS Puritan Minister 1636
Religious Intolerance The Puritans, who were victims of intolerance in England, were not tolerant themselves. Although they preached the Golden Rule— do unto others as you would have them do unto you— most never understood they were breaking that rule. Roger Williams did. What do the words intolerance and tolerance mean?
Puritan Disapproval Williams was a Puritan minister and a serious Christian. Like other Puritans, he disapproved of Catholic and Quaker ideas. But that’s where the “like the others” stops. Williams was a Puritan minister and a serious Christian. Like other Puritans, he disapproved of Catholic and Quaker ideas. But that’s where the “like the others” stops. QUAKERS Catholic Pope
Respect the Beliefs of Others Williams did not believe in forcing anyone to believe as he did. He believed that killing and punishing in the name of Christianity was sinful. He respected the beliefs of others. Those were strange ideas in 17 th Century Massachusetts. Williams did not believe in forcing anyone to believe as he did. He believed that killing and punishing in the name of Christianity was sinful. He respected the beliefs of others. Those were strange ideas in 17 th Century Massachusetts.
What to do with Roger Williams The Puritans didn’t know what to do with Roger Williams. He was a brilliant minister, and so nice that people had a hard time disliking him, but he seemed ungrateful to them. The Puritans had given him good jobs as a teacher and a minister and he thanked them by criticizing their ways.
You Shouldn’t take what doesn’t Belong to You! When Roger Williams started preaching that the land shouldn’t be taken from the Indians and that the king had no right to give away land in America that didn’t belong to him, that was too much! When Roger Williams started preaching that the land shouldn’t be taken from the Indians and that the king had no right to give away land in America that didn’t belong to him, that was too much! The officers of the Massachusetts Bay Company sent armed men to put Williams on a boat to England. The officers of the Massachusetts Bay Company sent armed men to put Williams on a boat to England.
Roger Williams Runs for his Life Williams didn’t want to go back so he fled from Massachusetts and started a colony of his own called Providence in what is now Rhode Island. Williams didn’t want to go back so he fled from Massachusetts and started a colony of his own called Providence in what is now Rhode Island. Williams welcomed everyone who wished to come to Rhode Island, including Quakers and Catholics. He disagreed with those religions, but he never let that stop him from liking the people who practiced them. Williams welcomed everyone who wished to come to Rhode Island, including Quakers and Catholics. He disagreed with those religions, but he never let that stop him from liking the people who practiced them.
Religious Tolerance In 1763, thanks to Roger Williams beliefs of religious tolerance, Rhode Island became the home of the first permanent Jewish house of worship in America, the Touro Synagogue. In 1763, thanks to Roger Williams beliefs of religious tolerance, Rhode Island became the home of the first permanent Jewish house of worship in America, the Touro Synagogue. The Jewish people were often persecuted in America. Roger Williams gave them a place where they were welcomed. The Jewish people were often persecuted in America. Roger Williams gave them a place where they were welcomed.
You Cannot Force others to Believe! The Puritans forced some Indians to become Christians. Roger Williams wrote a letter to the Massachusetts governor which read, “Are not the English of this land generally a persecuted people from their native land? How could those who had been persecuted persecute others? He said that the Indians should not be forced from their religions.”
What do you Believe? Roger Williams didn’t think anyone should be forced to follow a religion. He believed that you can make people do things, but you can’t make them believe what they don’t believe. Roger Williams didn’t think anyone should be forced to follow a religion. He believed that you can make people do things, but you can’t make them believe what they don’t believe. Most Puritans did not agree with Roger Williams. What do you think? Most Puritans did not agree with Roger Williams. What do you think?