Johnson-O’Malley Arizona Department of Education
JOM history/background Johnson O’Malley funds are to provide supplementary financial assistance to meet the unique and specialized education need of Indian children. Supplementary means they are not to take the place of federal, state or local funds.
Arizona JOM Programs Arizona’s JOM Education Plan funds 28 programs across the state. The state objectives are to improve student achievement and strengthen parental/community involvement.
How does the program work? How does the program work? The Arizona Department of Education contracts with the BIA to receive funds. As subcontractors, you are included in this contract. Broad general regulations outline the requirements for the contract allowing the programs to be developed to meet local needs.
Overview of JOM components Review Indian Education Committee responsibilities Education plans/ Goals and Objectives Questions
JOM requirements Student Eligibility Education Plan Indian Education Committee
Student Eligibility Indian students from age 3yrs. Through grade 12. ¼ or more degree Indian blood and recognized by the Secretary as being eligible for Bureau services. (pg.15) A copy of the student certification of tribal membership must be on file in the program office.
Questions Are the eligibility requirements the same for JOM and Title VII? Do I have to keep count of all students eligible for the program even if I do not receive additional funds for them? Will we be monitored on student eligibility?
Establishment of an Indian Education Committee (IEC) Indian Education Committee is to be elected from among the parents of eligible Indian students enrolled in the school (273.15). IEC shall establish procedures under which the committee serves. Procedures set in organizational documents and by-laws.
Powers and Duties of the IEC participation (273.16) ●Full participation in the planning, development, implementation, and evaluation. ●Approve and disapprove all programs for JOM. All programs shall require the prior approval of the IEC.
IEC organizational papers include these additional powers (217.16): Make annual assessments of the learning needs of Indian students. (Often done with Title VII). Meet regularly with the professional staff serving Indian students.
Questions How large does the IEC have to be? Are education plans valid without parent committee approval? How often should the IEC have a fiscal report?
Education Plan (273.18) Contains GOALS and OBJECTIVES which adequately address the educational needs of the Indian students. Meets state standards and requirements.
The Education plan will provide in writing: Program goals and objectives related to learning needs of potential target students. Procedures and methods used in achieving program objectives. Overall program Implementation. Evaluation.
JOM cycle
Questions If you’re not spending the funds are you really running a program? Can I spend funds on food? Can I spend funds on leasing a vehicle? Can I rollover funds from three years ago?
Annual Reporting Arizona Department of Education publishes Evaluation Report in December of each contract year. Subcontractors need to send in close out reports after Sept. 30th of each contract year. Send in by Nov.
Monitoring Monitoring packet Self- monitoring
Resources Arizona Department of Education- Indian Education office, Debora Norris (602) NDBOOK%20REV doc NDBOOK%20REV doc NDBOOK%20REV doc