Test review
People, Places and Terms Mary McLeod Bethune member of the Black Cabinet Federal Art Project New Deal program that funded large murals sit-down strike protest used against General Motors court packing name for FDR’s attempt to change the Supreme Court John Steinbeck writer of The Grapes of Wrath
People, Places and Terms pump priming putting money in consumers’ hands to stimulate the economy welfare state formed when the government assumes responsibility for providing for citizens’ needs WPA New Deal program created to build and improve highways Huey Long Louisiana Senator who opposed the New Deal
People, Places and Terms collective bargaining allowed union members to negotiate about hours and wages social security Aid provided to retirees; the disabled and mothers who are poor fireside chats People gathered around radios to listen to speeches made by FDR
Concepts What did Roosevelt and Congress pass the day after FDR’s inauguration? Emergency Banking Bill Why did people attend movies and listen to the radio in the 1930s? To escape their misery What is the purpose of the Security Exchange Commission? regulate the stock market
Concepts What did The Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 prohibit? government from further dividing Native American land What was a major effect of the New Deal Coalition? gave Democrats a majority in both houses of Congress for many years What was the purpose of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)? To build national parks, trails, and other outdoor, public places
Concepts Typically, who did the CCC employ? Mexican Americans and other minority youth Why did critics disapprove of the Tennessee Valley Authority? gave government direct control of a business How did Eleanor Roosevelt change the role of First Lady? She became politically involved instead of just being a ceremonial figure
Concepts What did the Bonneville Dam and Hoover Dam improve? Life in the American West REVIEW YOUR QUIZZES!!
Political Cartoon Analysis