Systems Training for HQMC Installations and Logistics Department, Contracts Division (LB) October 24, 2013 Warrant Application System
Overview The Warrant Application website was created as a tracking tool to manage warrant data and process warrant requests. It enables contracting officers to submit online warrant applications, which are sent through several levels of review and approvals. The system tracks the status of applications in process and also tracks active warrants, terminated warrants, disapproved warrants, warrants with expirations dates, and DAWIA Certification Levels. The system is database driven and consists of all current and terminated warrants dating back to 1998 along with the education and experience history associated with these records. Warrant signatures and approvals are programmed to show who was the approver at the time the warrant was processed and issued. Since the raw data is stored in a database, the data can be sliced and diced to serve LB’s purposes for metrics and data calls.
Warrant Application System Levels of Access Applicant Can access online application Can view their application status Supervisor/CCO Can review application, approve or disapprove request, and reject incomplete application back to applicant HQ Levels 1, 2, and 3 Can review application, recommend approval or disapproval, and reject incomplete application back to Applicant, Supervisor, CCO, or other HQ levels Can edit applicant information Can view application status Has access to all management reports Has access to some administrative functions
Warrant Application System Levels of Access (continued) HQ Level 4 Can review application and grant final approval or disapproval of warrant request Can view application status Has access to all management reports. View Only Can view pending applications with no edit or approval capability Has access to all management reports View Excel Reports Only Has access to excel version of the management reports
Warrant Application System Online Warrant Application There are four types of warrant applications. The applicant chooses the type from a drop down menu: Initial warrant application Increase existing warrant authority Correct/edit existing warrant record Termination of warrant and archive of record The applicant must also select their career field certification: Contracting Purchasing Not certified but applying for a contingency operation warrant
Warrant Application System Online Warrant Application (continued) The applicant must provide the following information: Warrant level requested. This will be selected from a drop down menu. The site displays the requirements for the level selected. The warrant level options are: SAP A, SAP B, SAP C, Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. Amount of the warrant if different from the standard amount for the level selected Justification for status and amount sought DAWIA Certification level and date Prior relevant contracting experience Relevant education history, including transcripts
Warrant Application System Supervisor/CCO Approvals Supervisor/CCO receives notification when application is ready for review. If the CCO is different than the Supervisor, the CCO will receive a notification once the Supervisor approves. Must provide the Operational Need for the warrant Indicates whether warrant should have an expiration date Can approve request, disapprove request, or send application back to applicant for additional information (disapproving request deletes application from the system as HQ approval will not be needed)
Warrant Application System HQ Approvals – Levels 1, 2, and 3 Each HQ level receives notification when application has been processed by the previous level and is ready for review. Can recommend approval, recommend disapproval, or send application back to applicant, Supervisor, CCO, or other HQ Level for additional information. Can change the recommended warrant level from what the applicant originally requested Can specify a warrant amount different than the standard amount for the requested level. Can enter notes for future reviewers
Warrant Application System Final HQ Approval – Level 4 Receives notification when application is ready for review Can approve or disapprove warrant request. Approval will generate to applicant with a link to the warrant certificate and cover letter Disapproval will generate notification to the applicant and will add the warrant to the Disapproved Warrant report. Certificates are electronically signed. The signatures are tied to the issue date and the person who held the approval position at the time the certificate was issued.
Warrant Application System Management Reports Information submitted through the online application and review process is stored in a database and used to generate the following management reports: Active Warrants Lists all active warrants in the system Can be pulled in total or by Organization, Level, or Series Includes links to the Warrant Certificate and Cover Letter Active Warrant Charts Bar charts that show Number of Warrants by Series and by Level Pie charts for each level (SAP A, SAP B, SAP C, Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3) that breaks down the Number of Warrants by amount DAWIA Level Listing of active warrants that includes the DAWIA Level and Certification Date
Warrant Application System Management Reports (continued) Disapproved Warrants Lists all warrant requests that were disapproved by HQ Expiration Report Lists all active warrants that have an expiration date. Note: Warrants are automatically terminated on the expiration date and the Contracting Officer is notified by Terminated Warrants Lists all warrants terminated through the system Includes links to the warrant certificate and the termination letter Warrant Process Timeline Tracks the processing time of the warrant applications, including Number of days in the field, number of days with HQ, and total number of processing days Warrant Status Report Lists all warrants submitted through the system and their status (Active, Application Started, In Process, Rejected Back to Applicant, or Warrant Terminated)