Governor’s Local Control Funding Formula Administrative Council March 11, 2013
LCFF Principles Equity Simplicity Needs-based Local Control Accountability
LCFF Components Base Grants and Augmentations Grade SpanPer ADA GrantAugmentation K-3$6,342$6,342*.1123=$ $6, $6, $7,680$7,680*.028 = $215
LCFF Components Supplemental Grant Grade Span Base Grant Per Unduplicated ADA TOTAL per Unduplicated ADA K-3 = $6,342$2,219$8, = $6,437$2,253$8, = $6,628$2,320$8, = $7,680$2,688$10,368 *Determined as 35% of each grade span Base Grant
LCFF Components Concentration Factor Determined by the concentration of disadvantaged students by grade span above 50%. Additional 35% of the grade span Base Grant Grade Span Base Grant Supplemental Grant/ADA Concentration Factor TOTAL per Eligible Disadvantaged Student K-3 = $6,342$2,219 $10, = $6,437$2,253 $10, = $6,628$2,320 $11, = $7,680$2,688 $13,056
6 Source: Legislative Analyst’s Office
LCFF Add Ons Home-to-School Transportation Targeted Instructional Improvement Grant
LCFF Entitlement/ADA without HTS/TIIG per ADA funding within Riverside County… :$7,774 - $10, :$8,787 - $11,465
LCFF Entitlement/ADA without HTS/TIIG K Ave./ ADA Ave/ADA w COLA Alvord 9,6279,0659,28010,704 9,76311,164 Banning 9,6899,2469,99310,767 9,94211,369 Beaumont 8,7118,2618,4999,938 8,91510,194 Corona-Norco 8,0947,4487,6448,952 8,1619,333 Desert Center 9,1158,9157,2087,895 8,7409,995 Desert Sands 9,3298,6168,6049,970 9,26010,589 Hemet 9,8269,0969,31510,695 9,87011,286 Jurupa 9,7269,0738,39110,782 9,65211,038 Lake Elsinore 8,9038,1598,3659,500 8,84410,114 Moreno Valley 9,5018,8738,92110,626 9,61810,999 Murrieta Valley 7,9107,2417,3998,677 7,9509,091 Nuview 9,6468,9889,1239,693 9,38710,734 Palm Springs 9,7429,3079,57610,982 10,00211,438 Perris Elementary 10,2339,6959,9287,895 10,01411,452 Perris Union High 7,0549,4099,60210,046 9,97211,404 Riverside 9,0248,3668,4359,564 8,96510,251 San Jacinto 9,4338,8608,93810,106 9,44210,798 Temecula Valley 7,6897,0187,1558,389 7,6848,787 Val Verde 9,8769,3269,48011,007 10,02611,465
Comparing the LCFF… The national expenditure per student is estimated to be $11,467 *. Under the LCFF by , in Riverside County expenditure per pupil will be between… $8,787 - $11, below/on par with the today’s national average. * Source: National Center for Education Statistics
Let’s examine the policy…
The Base Grants LCFF Ave/ADA Grant Ave/ADA Funding (including categoricals) Difference/ADA $6,772$7,220($448) ADEQUACY is critical. The LCFF restores LEAs to base funding levels, but… Does not restore 20% cut to categorical funding, and... Even if it did, we should ask: Is this ADEQUATE to fund core educational programs in ?
per ADA funding within Riverside County… :$8,787 - $11,465 Variance: $2,678/student The Concentration Factor
What explains the funding variance? In part, the Concentration Factor…
Riverside County % Disadvantage and Concentration Factor % Growth/ADA% Disadvantage Eligible for CF?LCFF Entitlement Beaumont 48%64% Y$10,194 Corona-Norco 37%43% N$9,333 Riverside 47%64% Y$10,251 Temecula Valley 30%24% N$8,787 Val Verde 66%87% Y$11,465 Should the Concentration Factor be calculated on a districtwide basis or on a schoolsite basis? CNUSD is ineligible for the Concentration Factor but at least six school sites have concentrations of disadvantaged students near or in excess of 80%.
Calculated as 35% of base grant, but what if the Base Grant is ADEQUATE for a rigorous core program? Should the Supplemental Grant be provided as a fixed-dollar amount that reflects the actual cost of supplemental support and programs for disadvantaged students? The Supplemental Grant K-3 Base GrantPer Unduplicated ADA TOTAL per Unduplicated ADA LCFF $6,342$2,219$8,561 AQEQUATE $10,500$3,675$14,175
LCFF preserves two historic and most inequitable categorical programs: Home- To-School Transportation and TIIG. Let’s look at TIIG for example… The LCFF Add-Ons
DistrictTIIG (Per ADA) Richgrove Elementary3,399 Sausalito Elementary3,055 Allensworth Elementary1,054 San Jose Unified982 Los Angeles Unified811 San Francisco Unified776 Redwood City Elementary585 San Diego City Unified584 Berkeley Unified482 Oak Run Elementary425 Top 10 TIIG DistrictsTop 10 RC Districts DistrictTIIG (Per ADA) Riverside Unified63 Moreno Valley62 Alvord53 Jurupa38 Nuview33 San Jacinto29 Corona-Norco29 Desert Sands26 Romoland22 Perris Union High21
Policy deficiencies in the LCFF are curable. Concentration Factor: Eliminate, reduce, or scale the concentration factor and increase the base grant or apply by school site Supplemental Grants can be calculated as a fixed dollar based on empirical evidence of need Antiquated HTS/TIIG formulas can be modernized to reflect current conditions and need
The LCFF does not account for educational adequacy. In the absence of an adequacy discussion, California’s public education system will persistently lag behind the nation. Questions/Discussion…
Local Control and Accountability Plans (LCAP)
LCAP Components Goals, Actions, Strategies, and Costs to achieve all of the following: Implement content standards Increase, and reduce gaps in, the API for each school, pupil subgroup Improve student achievement Increase high school graduation rates Increase successful completion of: A-G courses AP courses CTE programs Identify and address needs of “disadvantaged students” Remedy Williams deficiencies (textbooks, facilities, qualified teachers) Provide meaningful opportunities for parent involvement
LCAP Components Additionally, COEs must express goals and strategies to: Address countywide needs Conduct effective oversight Support operations, educational technology and professional development Provide guidance on curriculum and instructional practices Coordinate instruction for expelled students
LCAP Requirements Conform to SBE-adopted template Annual adoption by July 1 Consult with teachers, principals, administrators, parents and students Public notice requirement At least one public hearing to solicit public input must be held prior to budget adoption and not on the same day that the LCAP is adopted by the governing board. The LCAP must be adopted on the same day that the budget is being considered. Within 5 days of adoption, LEA must submit to LCAP to county superintendent on the same day budget is submitted County superintendent is required to review LCAP and can disapprove budget if the LCAP does not align with budget
LCAP Requirements Additionally, COEs required to submit LCAP to: State Superintendent for review County Board of Supervisors County Auditor
What are the implications of the LCAP?