1 Risk Management Agency Risk Management Services Division Monday, January 20, 2003
2 What’s New At RMA RMA VISION We serve America’s agricultural producers through effective, market-based risk management solutions.
3 What’s New At RMA RMA MISSION Promote, support, and regulate sound risk management solutions to strengthen and preserve the economic stability of America’s agricultural producers.
4 What’s New At RMA STRATEGIC GOALS Widely available and effective risk management solutions A fair and effective delivery system Informed stakeholders Program integrity Excellent service
5 What’s New At RMA RMA Values Integrity Professionalism Quality Service Adaptability Diversity Respect Stewardship Teamwork Communication
6 What’s New at RMA $3.1 B + Paid in 2002 Indemnities (as of 1/12/03) $18.5 M Awarded in Partnership Grants (12/2002) Prevented Planting Forum Crop Insurance Handbook (Procedural) Issues Workshop New Program Development Failure of American Growers Insurance Company
Indemnities National - $3,147,409,209 Paid on 215,732,212 Acres Minnesota - $109,178,691 Paid on 16,276,724 Acres North Dakota - $315,171,096 Paid on 19,562,724 Acres South Dakota - $320,911,467 Paid on 12,394,168 Acres
8 Partnership Grants Authorized by ARPA Announced in December 2002 Complete list on RMA Website: table.html table.html Some organizations: Montana State University, Montana Grain Growers Assn. ND Grain Growers Assn., MN Assn. Of Wheat Growers
9 Prevented Planting Forum Recent droughts have identified weaknesses in current prevented planting coverage RMA will be evaluating its current prevented planting rules Crop insurance industry and commodity groups will participate First meeting held January 14, 2003
10 Prevented Planting Insurance Must provide meaningful coverage to insured’s Must provide certainty for both companies and insured’s Must be simple to administer Must be actuarially sound
11 Prevented Planting Insurance Same policy provisions in effect for 2003 New Basic Provisions Expected for 2004
12 Held January Industry & RMA Participants Discuss for 2004: All County application/election Combining & Dividing APH Yield History Added Land Deadlines for Underwriting Review RMA Yield Determinations Maximum Yield Edits CIH Procedural Issues Workgroup
13 ARPA Created New Era for Risk Management Programs 508(h) Products $65 Million over a 5 year period Contracted Product $110 Million over a 5 year period
14 508(h) Products Submission Regulation 7 CFR 400 Subpart V Products submitted first 5 business days of Jan., April, July, or Oct. 120 days for Board to Approve or Disapprove Once approved it is released for all SRA holders use
15 Types of 508(h) Products Crop Revenue Coverage (CRC) Revenue Assurance (RA) Group Risk Income Protection (GRIP) Livestock Gross Margin (LGM)
16 Types of 508(h) Products Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) – 2002 Hybrid Seed Price Endorsement (IL, IN, IA, MI, MN, NE, SD and WI) – 2002 Best Management Practices (IA, MN, PA and WI)
17 The Board may Approve a Submission if it Determines Interests of producers are protected Rates are actuarially appropriate Submission conforms to sound insurance and underwriting principles Associated risks are appropriate
18 Failure of American Growers Insurance Company NE Dept. of Insurance & RMA Working Together Commitment to Pay Producers On Time Agent’s Commissions Are Being Paid MGR Issued Regarding the Transfer of Policies Watch RMA Website for Updates
Quality Adjustment MGR – Clarification of Quality Adjustment Loss Provisions: Reinsured companies must reject any quality determinations that are not based on grading standards in the respective Crop Provisions.
FM & Dockage MGR – Claims Advisory – Dockage Issued August 20, 2002 Dockage & FM MAY be deducted if damage is result of insured peril. Not intended to include elevator charges.
21 Adjusted Gross Revenue Pilot Program Uses Producer’s Schedule F AGR-Lite Developed by PA Dept. of Ag. Farm Bill of 2002 Required Expansion into 8 Additional Counties in CA & PA AND WE DID!
22 Thank You For further information, please visit the Risk Management Agency web site: