Health Care Reform A New Reality: Laura Leon, A Campaign for Better Health Care “Update on Health Care Reform for Children with Special Needs” Shriner’s Hospital for Children, Chicago, IL October 6, 2011 Sponsored by: HRSA and The Arc of Illinois What the New Law Means for You
Started in 1989, the Campaign for Better Health Care (CBHC) is a Illinois’ largest, statewide, grassroots organization focused on health care reform for quality, accessible, affordable health care for all. “Everybody In, Nobody Out!” Inform - Implement - Improve Begun in 2003, the Health Care Justice Campaign (HCJC) is a statewide coalition of diverse interests - consumers, providers, faith, labor, businesses, social service agencies and others - working together to achieve successful reform.
Health Care Justice Campaign - Campaign for Better Health Care The Campaign for Better Health Care (CBHC) is Illinois’ largest statewide, grassroots coalition focused on winning comprehensive reform for quality, accessible, affordable health care for all. “Everybody In, Nobody Out!” KEY BELIEFS OF CBHC Cost of Inaction Economic Opportunity Shared Responsibility Federal-State Joint Venture (e.g., implementation) Developing advocates
Campaign for Better Health Care CBHC’s HISTORY Founded in years of success: HelpLine case to the U. S. Supreme Court (unfair Medicaid managed care practices) Health Care Justice Act (Obama, ‘04), Health Care Task Force Over 325 congregations take part in the 2009 “Sound the Alarm!” Extensive bank of personal health care stories. Online blog. Founding Member, Herndon Alliance
Campaign for Better Health Care Current Initiatives Mobilize to Inform, Implement, Improve Health Care Justice Campaign AIDS Run/Walk/Roll Accountability rallies, letters, press conferences, etc. Faith Caucus (e.g., “Sound the Alarm,” HC Sabbath) Advocacy trainings Media / Messaging Meeting with Legislators Educational Forums Story Project HelpLine
National Health Care Reform March 21, House passes the Senate bill March 23, President signs reform into law: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Health Care Justice Campaign -
State Implementation RATE REVIEW - State Rep. Harris’ bill (HB 1501) DOI authority to disapprove rate increases EXCHANGE: Koehler (SB 1729) BLOCKED -Independent, diverse Board, overseen by Illinoisans -Toll-free hotlines, Navigators, easy-to-use website EXCHANGE: Haine (SB 1549) / Mautino (HB 1577) PASSED -Made by and for the insurance industry -Does not establish exchange governance -No independent provisions re: conflicts of interest
Exchange Implementation Timeline Sept 30th. Legislative Study Committee issues Report on Exchange Sept 30th. Legislative Study Committee issues Report on Exchange CBHC Lobby Day Oct. 26th Advocacy Continues Through 2014 Veto Session October 25th- November 10th
Sign up for listservs Join our statewide calls POSTCARDS “Run, Walk or Roll Oct 1st HelpLine We need your help! YOU have the power to make a difference!!!!! Time for Action! Action! Action! to Inform - Implement - Improve Health Care Justice Campaign -
What You Can Do To Help: Share Your Story! Stories make an issue come to life for your audience. Stories give us real life examples of policy People understand an issue clearly when it is tied to a person’s experience Contact CBHC to share your story! Call or
Health Care Justice Campaign - What You Can Do To Help: Write A Letter to Your Editor (LTE) Use an LTE to educate your community about health reform Not sure what to write? Use CBHC’s LTE Builder: builder/ builder/. Help us track your letters! Send a copy to Kathleen Duffy at Please include the name of the newspaper and the date you sent the
What Your Can Do To Help: Talk to Your Legislator! Health Care Justice Campaign - Not sure who your member of Congress is? Check the Illinois State Boardthe Illinois State Board of Elections search tool. For tips for meeting with your rep, visit: When you meet with your legislator, ask him/her to complete a task that supports your cause, and is connected to his/her interest.
Health Care Justice Campaign - Additional Resources: CBHC – (Info Center, Action Center, overall) U. S. Dept. of Health & Human Services – (overall) IL Dept. of Insurance – (state specific) Families USA – (policy, reports) Community Catalyst – (policy, reports) Small Business Majority – (businesses) Herndon Alliance – (messaging) IMCHC – (maternal, child health)
For more information, contact: Laura Leon Director of Faith Initiatives Campaign for Better Health Care 1325 S. Wabash Ave., Suite 305 Chicago, IL (office) (cell)