The Ideas of the Enlightenment C17.1 Pp
Discoveries made during the Scientific Revolution, & on the voyages of discovery Reason, logical thought Knowledge, freedom, and happiness Enlightenment-the period of time when reason guided people’s thoughts about philosophy, society, and politics Age of Reason The Age of Reason What caused many scholars to challenge long-held beliefs about science, religion, government What did these scholars rely on to explain how the world worked? What were the great goals scholars hoped to achieve through human reason? Enlightenment What was the Enlightenment Enlightenment The Enlightenment is also known as _____ ___ __ ______
Enlightenment thinkers looked back to Greek+Roman Thinkers+Christian History The Renaissance, Reformation, SciRev also provided ideas Greek thinkers-order and regularity in the world, Aristotle-logic can be used to discover new truths, Roman thinkers- natural law Law governed how the world operates The ideas that faith + reason could explain the world Secular = non religious The Enlightenment’s Roots What are the roots of the Enlightenment? Greek and Roman Philosophers What did Enlightenment thinkers learn from Greek philosophers? What is natural law? Christianity What did Thomas Aquinas contribute secular secular The Enlightenment was mostly secular, what does secular mean?
By studying it and changing it. They questioned church authority, because they found that religious beliefs didn’t always fit in with what their learnings from logically studying the world Because scientists like Newton and Galileo learned that the world didn’t work the way the church explained it, scientists discovered laws that governed the natural world The Renaissance and Reformation How did Enlightenment thinkers believe humans could improve their world? How were Enlightenment scholars similar to Martin Luther? The Scientific Revolution What was the importance of the Scientific Revolution to the Enlightenment Period?
The use of reason Voltaire Because he opposed censorship Edited a book called the Encyclopedia, which included articles on science, technology and history. It was banned by both the king and pope A social gathering held to discuss ideas New Ideas What did Enlightenment thinkers believe could improve society? French Philosophers Who was the French philosopher who mocked the government and religion in his writings? Why did Voltaire say“ I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it?” What did Denis Diderot do? What was the Salon?
Women should have the same rights as men Economics was governed by natural laws, governments should not try to control the economy, that economic growth comes when individuals are free to make choices British Writers What did Mary Wollstonecraft believe? What was Adam Smith’s contribution to economics?