April 22, 2005Chester Creek Watershed TMDL Total Maximum Daily Load Chester Creek University Lake & Westchester Lagoon Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Nonpoint Source Water Pollution Control Program Timothy Stevens, TMDL Project Manager
April 22, 2005Chester Creek Watershed TMDL Overview What is a TMDL? Chester Creek impairment Sources of pollution in Chester Creek TMDL process applied to Chester Creek Implementation – current and future Discussion
April 22, 2005Chester Creek Watershed TMDL Chester Creek Watershed
April 22, 2005Chester Creek Watershed TMDL TMDLs 101 What is a Total Maximum Daily Load?
April 22, 2005Chester Creek Watershed TMDL TMDL Definition A TMDL is a calculation of the maximum amount of a pollutant a waterbody can receive and still meet water quality standards. A TMDL is a designed to help guide the restoration of a waterbody to support all of its designated uses. Basically, a TMDL is a “pollution budget” designed to restore the health of a waterbody.
April 22, 2005Chester Creek Watershed TMDL The Ultimate Goal: Attainment of Water Quality Standards and Removal from the Section 303(d) List The process for de-listing requires documentation that the waterbody is attaining (such as implementing a TMDL) or has attained Alaska WQS.
April 22, 2005Chester Creek Watershed TMDL TMDL Development Stakeholders were consulted on the best method to use to develop the TMDL SWMM was chosen as the preferred method because of the quantity and quality of available data. –Water quality – Anchorage Municipality –Stream discharge – USGS stream gaging –Land use - Anchorage Municipality –Precipitation- NOAA
April 22, 2005Chester Creek Watershed TMDL Major Elements of a TMDL Identify pollutant(s) of concern Identify uses that are impacted Identify sources of pollutant(s) Calculate current pollutant loading and the projected capacity of the stream Calculate reduction necessary to meet WQS Suggest ways to reduce/eliminate pollutants
April 22, 2005Chester Creek Watershed TMDL Pollutant of Concern Currently, Chester Creek, University Lake and Westchester Lagoon are 303(d) listed as not meeting state water quality standards for fecal coliform bacteria pollution. They first appeared on the State’s list in 1990
April 22, 2005Chester Creek Watershed TMDL Designated Uses All waters of the State are required to meet all designated uses unless reclassified. Historical and current water quality data indicate Chester Creek, University Lake and Westchester Lagoon consistently do not meet water quality standards for Water Supply including drinking, culinary and food processing, and occasionally exceed standards for Contact Recreation.
April 22, 2005Chester Creek Watershed TMDL Background on TMDL Program The Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) program is required by Section 303(d) of the 1972 Clean Water Act The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is the lead national regulatory agency for TMDL oversight DEC is the State’s regulatory agency for TMDL development, implementation and oversight
April 22, 2005Chester Creek Watershed TMDL Sources of Pollution Potential sources of fecal coliform pollution Domestic animal waste – pets Wildlife – moose, foxes, rabbits and waterfowl Leaking sewer lines Failing septic systems Indigent people
April 22, 2005Chester Creek Watershed TMDL Loading capacity – maximum amount of a pollutant a waterbody can receive and still meet WQS Wasteload Allocation – amount of pollutant a waterbody receives from point source pollution Load Allocation – amount of pollutant a waterbody receives from non-point sources Margin of Safety – a safety net TMDL = Σ WLAs + Σ LAs + MOS TMDLs: Calculating a “Pollution Budget”
April 22, 2005Chester Creek Watershed TMDL Identifying Pollution Sources Point Sources: direct discharge to waterbodies – permitted Nonpoint Sources: indirect discharge (runoff) due to development, construction, forestry, urban areas, etc. – not permitted Background Sources: naturally occurring sources, not due to human activity Sources of pollution are identified and actions are developed to reduce pollutants so that a water can meet WQS
April 22, 2005Chester Creek Watershed TMDL TMDL for Fecal Coliform Bacteria in Chester Creek Loading Capacity = 6.46 x 10E11 to 4.15 x 10E12FC/year Wasteload Allocation: (point source) = 100% 5.18 x 10E11 to 3.73 x 10E12FC/year Load Allocation: (nonpoint source) = Zero (0 ) Reduction needed = 54 to 98 percent Margin of Safety = 10%
April 22, 2005Chester Creek Watershed TMDL Ways to Reduce Fecal Coliform Loading Continue water quality monitoring to determine major sources Implement Best Management Practices Non structural – educational Scoop the poop campaigns Better handling of waste at homes Structural – controls Low impact development Frequent street sweeping Maintaining and increasing greenbelts
April 22, 2005Chester Creek Watershed TMDL Monitoring Monitoring goals include getting an over all picture of current fecal coliform levels and trying to determine contributions from potential sources It is important to conduct follow-up monitoring to determine if structural and non structural BMPS are reducing fecal coliform levels in Chester Creek DEC is working with the University of Alaska to gather current fecal coliform data for the Chester Creek watershed
April 22, 2005Chester Creek Watershed TMDL After a final TMDL is developed... EPA must approve or disapprove State submissions, and if disapproved, to act in lieu of the State.
Chester Creek TMDL at a Glance TMDL is for: Chester Creek, University Lake and Westchester Lagoon Water Quality-limited? Yes Hydrologic Unit Code: Criteria of Concern: Fecal coliform Designated Uses Affected: Water supply and water recreation Major Source(s): Urban runoff Loading Capacity: 6.46 x 10E11 to 4.15 x 10E12FC/year Wasteload Allocation: 5.18 x 10E11 to 3.73 x 10E12FC/year Load Allocation: 0 FC/year Margin of Safety: 10 percent Necessary Annual Reduction: 54 to 98 percent
April 22, 2005Chester Creek Watershed TMDL Submit Public Comments Comments on draft TMDL can be submitted: – –Fax (907) –TMDL can be found on the DEC website _TMDL_Chester%20Creek%20watershed_April06_05. pdf