Tim Wigley President Western Energy Alliance
Bringing discipline to our advocacy and offering political cover to our friends and allies
Political “marketing” is different Unlike typical corporate marketing – with substantial financial resources and time – in an effort to get 3, 5, or 7% of the market share (if lucky) – the “marketing / advocacy” of the Alliance offers little resources, little time, with a requirement to attain 50% PLUS ONE of the “market share” Laser beam focus is required
Issue Management Campaigns Healthy Forests ESA ANWR Gray Wolf Management
Survey conducted March 19-22, 2012 Conducted by The Tarrance Group 1,000 high-performing voters in Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Montana, New Mexico and North Dakota
69% of voters feel the country is on the “wrong track” 59% feel strongly this way Only 26% feel “right track” 10 point gender gap (more men feel wrong track)
42% approve / 54% disapprove 48% strongly disapprove Nationally: 53% approve / 45% disapprove/ 39% strongly disapprove
54% disapprove of his handling of energy issues 37% approve Many voters question whether or not the President truly has an energy policy
55% approve of his efforts to develop alternatives 39% strong approve “peel the onion”
Jobs & Economy: 35% Government Spending: 28% The Environment: 3%
“oil & gas” industry: 48% favorable “natural gas” industry: 69% favorable
72% support increased production 56% strongly support
37% say too many regulations 25% say too few 28% say about right The 28% would be our advocacy target – like an un-decided voter
66% agree that a moratorium on any new rules and regulations is needed This was a major theme in the “ Blueprint ”
High level of awareness 38% very concerned 30% somewhat concerned 30% no concern
28% would support a ban 58% would oppose a ban 38% oppose strongly
82% have seen, read or heard 69% favor development / 55% strongly Only 23% oppose development
What’s the game plan? What do we do with this information?
More than any previous election, ENERGY issues ARE and WILL CONTINUE to play a major role in the 2012 election cycle When the economy is strong and the 401(k) is growing – people can afford to be “green” Issues of the environment have not been in the top 10 issues of concern in ANY survey work I’ve done in the past two years. Jobs and the economy have been #1 in EVERY survey
We will conduct “dial test” focus groups to further test specific messages from this survey We will create a “language dictionary” Speeches, newsletters, interviews, etc. We try and speak from the same page, of the same book, at the same time Give elected officials a “backbone of courage” or a “cushion of comfort” as these issues take center stage in the public domain
I remember the days when…. 2000 election brought false hopes Our grassroots were burned out! We “assumed” things would change and problems solved / reversed from the previous 8 years Our collective sigh of relief ended up biting us New Administration shows up in 2009 with a plan, agenda and a determination to get it done
Part of the blame goes directly to industry who stopped funding grassroots We’ve already begun the process of re-igniting this old coalition with new techniques and technologies In May we met with leading sportsmen and conservations groups We met with Cattlemen last week / larger meeting to follow On deck: Farm Bureau; Mining; Forestry; recreation communities
Several states will be key “swing” states: Colorado, New Mexico and Montana Not a ton of electoral votes – but difference makers in a close campaign season! Key Senate races in New Mexico, Montana and North Dakota
If there is a change due to the election – this Administration is already looking at what they can do in the “lame duck” period: use of Antiquities Act to create more monuments (de-facto wilderness) And more…via Executive Orders We must be ready!
Please go to our website: Download the document and you can see our strategies for informing the public about the importance of Western energy
Tim Wigley, President Western Energy Alliance