Choosing a Research Topic Osama A Samarkandi, PhD, RN BSc, GMD, BSN, MSN, NIAC EMS 423; EMS Research and Evidence Based Practice
Choosing a Research Topic First step in developing a research project, Areas of EMS research: 1.Clinical research, 2.Educational research, and 3.Systems research.
SOURCES OF TOPICS Most hospitals, universities, and other institutions where research is conducted have established formal committees for reviewing research plans. These committees are sometimes called Human Subjects Committees or (in Canada) Research Ethics Boards. In the United States, the committee is often called an Institutional Review Board (IRB). Before undertaking their study, researchers must submit research plans to the IRB An IRB can approve the proposed plans, require modifications, or disapprove them
Summary Most hospitals, universities, and other institutions where research is conducted have established formal committees for reviewing research plans. These committees are sometimes called Human Subjects Committees or (in Canada) Research Ethics Boards. In the United States, the committee is often called an Institutional Review Board (IRB). Before undertaking their study, researchers must submit research plans to the IRB An IRB can approve the proposed plans, require modifications, or disapprove them
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