Center For California Studies Civic Engagement and Local Fiscal Attitudes: 2013 Survey of Californians David Barker, Director, Institute for Social Research Kim Nalder, Director, Project for an Informed Electorate
Additional Survey Team Members Michael Small Research Analyst, Institute for Social Research Edward Lascher Dean, Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies Professor, Department of Public Policy and Administration Kelly Nelson Graduate Research Assistant Institute for Social Research Ted Ryan Graduate Research Assistant Institute for Social Research
Research Questions At the municipal level, do Californians tend to prioritize balanced budgets, low taxes, or public services? What specific municipal services do Californians prioritize over others? How knowledgeable and sophisticated is the average Californian when it comes to municipal budgets (e.g. where the money goes)? How engaged and participatory are Californians in local politics and civic affairs? How do civic knowledge and engagement – individually and in conjunction – influence fiscal attitudes/priorities?
Methodology Random Digit Dialing Phone Survey (30% cell); April 4 th -May 8 th, 2013; 938 interviews of California city/town dwellers, from 30 cities/towns; Randomized counties from four regions (southern-coastal, northern -coastal, southern-inland, northern-inland); Randomized cities and towns for inclusion from within each county -- weighting according to size and population patterns; Excluded residents of non-incorporated areas.
Methodology, Continued Obtained public information regarding fiscal solvency of each city/town: (a) 2012 expenditures-revenues (b) overall debt
Demographics Age, Residence, Education, and Income Our average respondent: is 50 years old has lived in his/her town for 20 years has “some college” experience earns $49,000 per year
Demographics Gender, Race, Ethnicity 56% of sample respondents are women 53% are non-Hispanic Whites 30% are Hispanic 4% are African American 5% are Asian American 2% are Native American 7% are Multi-Racial
Demographics Party ID (self report) Democrats45% Republicans26% Independents29% Leaners Democrats and Democratic “Leaners”48% Republicans and Republican “Leaners”33% “Pure” Independents19%
What do People Prefer? Low Taxes vs. Balanced Budget
What Do People Prefer? Services vs. Balanced Budget
Summary: Balanced Budget vs. Low Taxes /Investment in Services Surprisingly few differences by party identification, attentiveness to local news, or gender. 35% prioritize balancing the budget over either other priority 35% prefer either option (keeping taxes low OR maintaining services) over balancing the budget. 30% prefer budgetary balance to one option but not the other.
Spending on Public Safety:
Spending on Infrastructure, Like Roads:
Spending on Public Enrichment, Like Parks:
Spending on Public Employee Benefits, Like Pensions:
On What Do People Want to Spend? Spending on Economic Development, Like Business Subsidies
Local Sales Taxes: Too High or Too Low?
Fiscal Attitudes and Priorities: Local Spending When summing the five spending priority items: 58% want to increase spending, on balance. 24% want to cut spending, on balance. Also 23% illogically want a tax cut and more spending. 35% pick the liberal option – no tax cut and increased services. 21% want no change. 21% want the conservative option of a tax cut and no spending increase.
Municipal Civic Engagement 67% reported voting in the last election (likely inflated due to social desirability bias). 20% reported having contacted a local public official either by letter, phone, or in the last year.
Municipal Civic Attitudes Approval of Public Officials Trust in Local Public Officials Perceived Competence of Local Officials Efficacy (the sense that citizens can influence outcomes)
Approval: City Council, Mayor, Governor
Trust in City Officials
Efficacy (Disagree = Efficacious)
Attentiveness 62% claim to have followed local public affairs in the news on at least 5 days “last week. 52% claim to have done do on 6 or more days. 48% claim to have followed local news every day last week. Only 11% admit to not following local news at all last week. --- We suspect that these numbers are inflated.
Fiscal Knowledge We asked five questions to gauge fiscal political knowledge: Is your city budget in surplus, deficit, or balance? What is your city’s sales tax rate, roughly? Was the state budget last year in surplus, deficit, or balance? Has this year’s state budget improved, stayed the same, or gotten worse? A spending jurisdiction question with only one right answer. We then constructed an index for local knowledge (3 questions) and overall fiscal knowledge (all 5 questions).
Fiscal Knowledge 25% correctly identified their city/town budget situation. 65% were within a few points of getting the sales tax question correct (defined as between 7% and 10%). 57% knew that the state’s budget was in deficit last year. Only 17% knew that the state’s budget situation has improved in 2013.
Fiscal Knowledge: Spending
Local Fiscal Knowledge
Overall Fiscal Knowledge Index
Patterns: Civic Fiscal Knowledge More Knowledge More Engagement More Knowledge/ More Engagement Sm. Pref. Less Spend More Knowledge Prefer Higher Taxes More Knowledge City/Town in Deficit When in Deficit, Knowledge/Engagement Fiscal Conservatism –Weaker when Informed but not Engaged –Non-existent when Engaged but not Informed Knowledge Logical Consistency Across Questions, especially when in Deficit
Other Patterns Engagement Less Logical Attitudes (Among Those Living in Deficit) When Deficit, Fiscal Conserv. Mayor/Council Disapproval.