Access the RUSS site (
Once you click on the russhelp link you will be directed to the UGA RUSS page. Click on the “Log into RUSS” link found on the left
After logging in you will be directed to the CAS authentication page and will log in using your MYID and password:
On the RUSS Main Menu select “Off Campus Equipment Request” found on the left.
On this page you will enter the inventory number of the item(s) requested for off campus use.
As you can see, I selected two items to use off campus, entered a requested date to remove the items and a return date. I also listed the purpose for which I need the items off campus and checked the box that indicates there is no sensitive data on these items.
The only step left is to submit the request. Once I did this the page refreshed and at the top you can see the notification that the request was submitted successfully.
At this point the requestor is done. notification will be sent to the first approval level (department level) that a request is pending approval.
After receiving an approval notice and logging into RUSS, approvers will see a screen like this and they will be able to approve, disapprove or reload the request. They will also be able to edit the request (add/delete items from the request, edit the requested and return dates, or edit the purpose field).
Once that person approves the request a notification will be sent to the next approval level (dean level). Once this level approves the request the initial requestor will receive notification that his/her request has been approved.
For a department to be set up in RUSS Property Control will need the following information: 1. Department name and number. 2. Name of the individual in the department approval position. This can be the department head or his/her designate. 3. Name of the individual in the dean approval position. 4. Name of the AICO (inventory contact individual). This individual can also be in an approval position. He/she will be able to access the system to review the requests, return items that were previously used off campus, and check the status on pending requests. 5. All current off campus requests (paper forms) will have to be cancelled by Property Control and users will need to access RUSS to start new approvals. The amount of time to accomplish this depends on the number of items currently authorized for off campus use by your department. This can be accomplished in phases if that works best for your department.