IOWA CASE STUDY: THE USE OF STATEWIDE STANDARDS AT THE LOCAL LEVEL Keith Kreiman, Iowa CJIS Program Coordinator Ken Bosier, CIO, Iowa Judicial Branch Di Graski, National Center for State Courts Dave Usery, CEO, URL Integration Board President, IJIS Institute Jim Pingel, Project Manager, URL Integration A Presentation to the 2013 Criminal Justice System Form on Data Exchange & Information Sharing Standards February 6, 2013
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Signed in 2005 by Governor Vilsack and Chief Justice Lavorato. Governor Culver renewed; to be submitted to Governor Brandstad. “for the purpose of establishing a governance structure to guide the design, development and implementation of a statewide-integrated criminal justice information system that would enable automated information sharing in a common format between state, local and federal criminal justice agencies.” (my emphasis)
MOU: Details CJIS Board —The Board shall include the Governor, the Chief Justice of the Iowa Supreme Court, the Director of the Department of Administrative Services or his or her designee, and the State Court Administrator. The members of the Board shall elect a chairperson at the first meeting. Board Duties — The Board shall review recommendations submitted by the Advisory Committee and set policy for the State relating to all aspects of an integrated criminal justice information system, including design, development, funding, implementation, and operation. The Board may adopt or disapprove the recommendations of the Advisory Committee.
Heavy Lifting: CJIS Advisory Committee The Advisory Committee shall be composed of the following members: Five representatives of the Judicial Branch appointed by the Chief Justice. Five representatives of the Executive Branch appointed by the Governor. One representative of each of the following associations: Iowa County Attorney’s Association, Iowa State Sheriff’s and Deputies Association, Iowa Association of Chiefs of Police and Peace Officers, Iowa League of Cities, and Iowa State Association of County Supervisors. The leadership of each association shall appoint the association’s representative. Two members of the Iowa Senate, including one Democrat and one Republican, each to be appointed by the leadership of their respective caucus, to serve as ex-officio members. Two members of the Iowa House of Representatives, including one Democrat and one Republican, each to be appointed by the leadership of their respective caucus, to serve as ex-officio members.
Representation and Authority “Each association representative must serve as a high level decision-maker from within their organization with the authority to speak for their membership and make decisions and commitments for and on behalf of their agency or organization.”
CJIS By the Numbers 24 Automated Data Exchanges in Production 9 More Under Development State & Local Agencies Involved: 5 State Agencies 99 Court Clerks 33 County Attorneys 65 Law Enforcement Agencies Nearly 500,000 messages exchanged through CJIS monthly
CJIS Information Exchanges ECCO-eCitations to Courts Presentence Investigation Report (PSI) Order for PSI Protection Order Protection Order Served Sex Offender Address Updates (DCI to DOC) Sex Offender Address Updates (DOC to DCI) OWI Disposition Mental Health Orders to NICS DPS-ICON Queries Notice of Appeal Dispositions & Payments to Polk County Offender Release Transfer of Victim Information Notice of Bond Posting OWI (Complaint, MOWI, Report ) Registered Victim Notification Hearing Order Adult/Juvenile Data Warehouses CJJP Web-Based Queries
Future: System-to-System eFiling Complaint & Affidavit Court Notice Trial Information Incident Report (leveraging N-DEx to support prosecutors’ needs for Incident Reports) Consolidate Charge Table
Data Exchange is a Contract What Information is Shared? With Whom? How and When is the Information Sent? How is the Data Secured in Transit? How Does the Recipient Guaranteed Delivery for the Sender? What Happens if a Connection is Unavailable? How are Errors Corrected?
Service-Oriented Architecture Built Around the Notion of Contract Standards are the Contract Boilerplate! Capabilities Services Real-World Effects Response Messaging Acknowledgement Error Handling
State CIO Sean Vinck: “How do we deal with information resources that are: Disparate Disconnected Non-interoperable Duplicative Inconsistent ??????????????”
Enterprise Service Bus CJIS BUS Routing: CA, Court, Both County Attorney Court LEA DPS Complaint & Affidavit Complaint & Affidavit Warrant Request Incident Report Hearing Order Trial Information Hearing Order Complaint & Affidavit Complaint & Affidavit Incident Report Intermediary Executes the Contract Scalable Exchange Designed to interoperate disparate systems Don’t rip ’n’ replace!
The Iowa Justice Standards Stack Security Encryption Public Key Infrastructure x.509 certificates Web Services Delivery Response Messages Error Messaging NIEM Data Content Consistent Data Definitions Reusable Components (court case, defendant, etc.)
Contact Information Keith Kreiman (515) Ken Bosier (515) Diana Graski Dave Usery