Synonym - shorten Antonym – expand (v.) to make shorter Abridge ( ѳ brij’ )
Synonym - disciple Antonym – adversary (n.) a follower, supporter (adj.) attached, sticking to Adherent ( ad hēr’ ѳnt )
Synonym - quarrel Antonym – agreement (n.) an angry argument Altercation (ôl tѳr kā’ shѳn )
Synonym - angelic Antonym – devilish (adj.) resembling an angel portrayed as a little child with a beautiful, round, or chubby face; sweet and innocent Cherubic ( che rü’ bik )
Synonym - ignore Antonym – disapprove (v.) to pardon or overlook Condone ( kѳn dōn’ )
Synonym - dispute Antonym – concur (v.) to disagree; (n.) disagreement Dissent ( di sent’ )
Synonym - renowned Antonym – obscure (adj.) famous, outstanding, distinguished; projecting Eminent ( em’ ѳ nѳnt)
Synonym - expel (v.) to drive out by magic; to dispose of something troublesome, menacing, or oppressive Exorcise ( ek’ sôr sīz )
Synonym - concoct Antonym – destroy (v.) to make, manufacture; to make up, invent Fabricate ( fab’ rѳ kāt )
Synonym - infuriated Antonym – composed (adj.) angry Irate ( ī rāt’ )
Synonym - pirate (n.) a raider, plunderer Marauder ( mѳ rôd’ ѳr )
Synonym – serious overweight Antonym – scrawniness (n.) excessive fatness Obesity ( ō bē’ sѳ tē )
Synonym – destitute person Antonym – millionaire (n.) an extremely poor person Pauper ( pô’ pѳr )
Synonym - rob (v.) to steal in small quantities Pilfer ( pil’ fѳr )
Synonym – crack Antonym – reconciliation (n.) a split, break, breach Rift ( rift)
Synonym - appearance Antonym – contrast (n.) a likeness; an outward appearance; an apparition Semblance ( sem’ blѳns )
Synonym - conquer Antonym – be defeated (v.) to overcome, rise above Surmount ( sѳr maůnt’ )
Synonym - finish Antonym – begin (v.) to bring to an end Terminate ( tѳr’ mѳ nāt )
Synonym - banal Antonym – fresh (adj.) commonplace; overused, stale Trite ( trīt )
Synonym - commandeer (v.) to seize and hold a position by force or without right Usurp ( y ü s ѳrp’ )