Political Science 30:61 Introduction to American Foreign Policy Professor Lai
Class: Monday and Wednesday 12:30-1:20 and 1 Section Office: 319 Schaeffer Hall
Teaching Assistants: Jielu Yao Erico Yu Tutors: TBA
Goals: 1) Introduction To American Foreign Policy 2) Introduction to how Foreign Policy Decisions are made
Books: Jentleson, American Foreign Policy: The Dynamics of Choice in the 21st Century. Can buy any of the formats Ebook is the least expensive
Readings on ICON ICON (30:061:AAA) Content, Readings
Grades: 36%- 2 non-cumulative examinations (16%, 20%) 25%- 4-6 page research paper 39%- Discussion section
Research Papers: Due November pages Late Papers- Letter Grade Each Day
Discussion Sections: Start Tuesday September 2 Attendance is Mandatory- Each unexcused absence=7% taken off of the possible 39% section is worth OR you lose 17.95% of your section grade for each unexcused absence (i.e. 5 misses and best possible section grade is 4%, best grade is 65) One unexcused absence= best you can get is 32 of 39% (best grade is 93)
1) Presentation- 10% 2) Review Questions- ICON- 8% Start Monday September 8 3) Participation- 8% =39, BUT you lose points if you have unexcused absence so if you have one unexcused absence =32 4) Online Quizzes- 13%
Extra Credit Two Extra Credit Assignments -- 1 st Extra Credit applied to test 1 (6 points) -- 2 nd Extra Credit applied to test 2 (6 points) -- More on ICON
Class Website: ICON site
Why Study American Foreign Policy? 1) Security Terrorism, Proliferation, Middle East 2) Economic Prosperity 3) Democratic Accountability
Foreign Policy Goals (2013 Pew): TopicPublicLeaders Protecting American Jobs81%29% Controlling/Reducing Illegal Immig.48%11% Improve Std Living in Developing23%25% Countries Combat Intl Terrorism83%76% Strengthening the UN37%17% Dealing with Climate Change37%57%
Other reasons: 1) Career 2) Travel
% Confident President [ ] Will Do the Right Thing in World Affairs Obama Change France Britain Japan Brazil US Mexico India China Russia Turkey Egypt Pakistan1310-3
Dissaproval for US Drone Strikes (2014) Disapprove Study Abroad Rank Any SA Egypt87% Brazil87%Y Turkey83%Y Japan82%Y Mexico80%Y Russia78%Y Italy74%1Y France72%5Y Germany67%10Y Pakistan66% UK59%3Y China52%9Y US41% India36%4Y