1 Grant Award Process Monika Lacka U.S. EPA Region 5
2 IN THIS SECTION Introduction Funding Announcement: RFP vs. RFA Application Kit What it means to sign an award document Issues, need for amendments Closeout
3 Authorities Governing Grant Agreements Statutes Executive orders Federal regulations OMB circulars EPA orders and policies EPA guidance
4 Funding Announcement Components Funding Opportunity Description Award Information Eligibility Information Proposal and Submission Information Proposal Review Information Award Administration Information Agency Contacts Other Miscellaneous Information
5 Application Checklist SF424 - Application for Federal Assistance with original signature SF424A - Budget Information Narrative Budget (Explains budget categories) Copy of current Negotiated Indirect Cost Agreement – if requesting indirect costs SF424B Assurances – Non-Construction Programs SF424 - Application for Federal Assistance with original signature SF424A - Budget Information Narrative Budget (Explains budget categories) Copy of current Negotiated Indirect Cost Agreement – if requesting indirect costs SF424B Assurances – Non-Construction Programs
6 Application Checklist (cont.) Key contacts list Pre-Award Compliance Review Certification Regarding Lobbying (if more than $100,000 federal funds requested) Quality Assurance requirement Narrative Workplan demonstrating anticipated environmental results, how measured, timetable for measured results Key contacts list Pre-Award Compliance Review Certification Regarding Lobbying (if more than $100,000 federal funds requested) Quality Assurance requirement Narrative Workplan demonstrating anticipated environmental results, how measured, timetable for measured results For more information refer to:
7 SF 424 – Application
8 Assurances: SF-424B & Other Certifications Legal authority to enter into agreement Pre-award compliance review Certification regarding lobbying What are these for?
9 Putting It all Together Proposal written Budget developed Application completed and submitted…..
10 When should a formal application package be submitted? As specified in the Funding Announcement or directed by the Project Officer
11 What action will EPA take on my application? Approve Conditionally Approve Disapprove Negotiation Expectations Timing Funding
12 What does it mean to sign an award document? Constitutes public trust Legally binds parties for complying with all terms and conditions of grant – READ ! Call EPA if you have questions! Requires efficient and effective way of managing the project to completion
13 How long will I have to complete my project? As specified in the Funding Announcement and /or Negotiated with EPA Project Officer Grant agreement states length of approved project/budget period
Issues/Need for Amendment -Example of possible issues -Communication with the PO -Change request Pproject termination
16 Purpose of Close-Out Ensures successful completion of all technical and administrative work
17 Reports Required for Closeout Final Performance or Progress Reports Final Federal Financial Report (FFR), SF425 EPA Form A, Minority Business/Women’s Business Enterprises (MBE/WBE) Utilization Federally Owned Property Report Invention Disclosure
18 Will my project be audited? EPA Office of the Inspector General Regional office follow- up to resolve findings