1 1 User Manual for Approver Approving Orders on the SKF Giftzone
22 2 Order for approval You will receive order for your approval from ID The sample is shown in next slide.
33 3
44 Login SKF Giftzone Please visit You will be asked to login first to enter the site. (You are pre-registered on the SKF Giftzone site.) To login, please enter your official SKF ID in “User Id” input box and enter your password in “Password” input box. Then click on the “Sign In” button. Please note if you are logging in for the first time on this site then your password is your SKF Global ID. E.g. If your SKF Global ID is 1234 then your password is You can change your password after your first login from the “My Account” Section. 4
55 You will see the below prompt after you login. Please choose the “For Company” radio button and click on “Submit” to proceed. 5
66 Change your password If you login for the first time to the SKF Giftzone site, we request you to change your password. Please select “My Account” link from the top navigation section of the home page. Then select “Change Password” from “My Profile” section. 6
77 Please follow the below rules for generating your own password: 1. Password should be Alpha Numeric. 2. At least one capital letter and one special character in your password. Please do not use “&” i.e. ampersand in your password. 3. Minimum password length is 8 characters. You can change your password and then click on the “Save” button. 7
88 8 View orders pending for approver Please select “My Account” link from the top navigation section of the home page. Then select “Approval Link” from “My Shopping” section.
99 You will see list of orders pending for approval as shown below. To approve order as it is, please click on “Approve” link. And to disapprove order please click on “Reject” link. 9
10 To revise the order received from company user, please click on order number. You will see order details as shown in next slide.
12 Please scroll down to “Sub Orders Detail” section. 12
13 If you want to revise the quantity, please change the quantity in “Item Quantity” input box. Then press “Update SubOrder” button. Press “OK” to continue. If there are multiple sub-orders you can change the quantity as per your requirement. 13
14 Scroll up and press “Approve” link to approve this revised order. 14
15 Please click on “My Account -> Approver Link”. You will see updated status as shown below. You will also receive confirmation of the same. 15
16 Thank You 16