1920’s Race Riots
Chicago 1919 Part of the “Red Summer” (bloody) 25 Race Riots Chicago one of the worst 13 days of violence 38 dead (23 blacks, 15 whites), 537 injured & 1,000 black families homeless
Re-emergence of the KKK African American success The Great Migration Inadequate housing Lynching – no laws against it Ability to fight for rights Injustice & oppression
1921 Tulsa, Oklahoma 10,000 African American Residents 2 nd Largest African American Community Over 1,000 businesses and homes destroyed people killed No arrests No justice
1921 Tulsa Race Riot
1923 Rosewood, Florida White mob totally wiped out entire town Survivors were shipped out on a train 1993 Florida became the first state to compensate the survivors 1997 Movie 2004 Rosewood designed Heritage Site Video:
1993 Florida became the first state to compensate survivors of race riots 1997 Movie 2004 Rosewood - Heritage Site Video: U.S. Congress formally apologized Lack of Federal Government response No anti-lynching laws No justice for race riot victims