Reporting Race/Ethnicity Data PRESENTATION INFO HERE
New Federal Requirements Past Milestones Summary of Changes Impact on Districts Impact on Reporting by KSDE Timeline
Past Milestones OMB – Federal Register Notice (Oct 1997) EEOC – Federal Register Notice ( Nov 2005) ED Draft – Federal Register Announcement (Aug 7, 2006) Public Comments Due to U.S.ED (Sept 21, 2006) ED Final – Federal Register Notice, Vol. 72, No. 202; (Oct 18, 2007)
Summary of Changes Affects all reporting for both student and staff data Outlines the process districts use for collecting racial and ethnic data Revises specifications of racial categories Requires either self-identification or observer identification Revises federal reporting requirements
Process Districts Use for Collecting Racial and Ethnic Data Must collect via a 2-part question (respondents answer BOTH parts): 1. Are you Hispanic/Latino or of Spanish origin? 2. Select one or more races from the following racial groups: American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific White Districts must maintain information as it was collected using the 2-part question for a minimum of 3 years.
Process Districts Use for Collecting Racial and Ethnic Data Students (or parents on students’ behalf) will be encouraged to self-identify. Observer identification will be used when a student/parent or staff member refuses to self-identify. Refused-to-designate / Unknown is no longer a valid response. Districts are strongly encouraged to allow all students and staff to re-identify.
Process Districts Use for Reporting Racial and Ethnic Data KSDE will include modifications to KIDS for which address the new federal requirements. Planned changes include: D13 will become Ethnicity D31 will become Comprehensive Race Other student level data collections (CaTE, Migrant, SPED) will either be modified per the new federal requirements, or will be integrated to use Ethnicity and Race as collected by KIDS. KSDE will modify the Licensed Personnel Report for to collect Ethnicity and Race per the new federal requirements.
KSDE Federal Reporting Requirements Aggregate reporting will include seven categories: Hispanic/Latino of any race, and for individuals who are non-Hispanic/Latino only: American Indian or Alaska native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Two or more races Individuals included In Hispanic/Latino cannot be included in any other category Students will be included in exactly one of the seven categories above for federal reporting.
Aggregate Reporting KSDE reporting and disaggregations for Report Card, AYP, and other trend data will use the new Ethnicity and Race data starting with the SY data that is displayed on the Report Card in October Possible implications for this reporting are being considered by KSDE to determine if any action is required.
Timeline Winter 2008/Spring 2009: Districts should modify their enrollment forms to collect race/ethnicity based on new regulations. Spring/Summer 2009: SIS vendors should modify their software to accommodate and report based upon the new requirements. Fall 2009: District enrollment for SY should implement the 2-part question. It is strongly encouraged that Districts allow all students and staff to re-identify. Fall 2009: KIDS data submissions (ENRL, TEST, EXIT, TITL, EOYA) will be based on new federal regulations. Spring 2010: Report Card, assessment, and AYP dis- aggregations and trends may be affected by this guidance. KSDE is currently working to determine the details of this.
Issues Districts will need to change enrollment forms SIS vendors will need to change systems to collect, manage, and report data to the state Observer identification – how will districts do this? Re-identification – highly encouraged, but requires planning and work for districts “Bridging” AYP, Report Card, and other trend reporting
KSDE is providing resources to assist Districts CD and website (under News/Publications link at which includes the following resources: Brochure Commissioners letter FAQ sheet Sample Enrollment Form Sample Letter to Staff Sample Letter to Parents NCES Forum Race-Ethnicity Guidance Suggestions for Conducting Observer Identification Schedule of training sessions Race-Ethnicity Federal Requirement s PowerPoint LiveMeeting training sessions KSDE on-site training sessions