R.A.C.E. TO SUCCESS On the Georgia Milestone
R.A.C.E. R.A.C.E. is an acronym to help you recall how to write short responses on the Georgia Milestone Assessment Fold one sheet of notebook paper into four sections as shown.
R.A.C.E. Write the acronym on your paper—one letter in each section.
R ESTATE THE QUESTION Restate the question IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Do NOT begin with “because”, or unidentified pronouns (he, she, they) Restate the question FULLY
A NSWER THE QUESTION Answer the question FULLY in your own words.
C ITE EVIDENCE Choose specific text evidence to PROVE and SUPPORT your A NSWER. Include as many examples of text evidence as necessary. Include a properly formatted citation. If you don’t have a page #, include the author’s name only.
E XPLAIN THE EVIDENCE Explain FULLY how the E VIDENCE proves and supports your A NSWER. Provide as much explanation as necessary to address all evidence provided.
GEORGIA MILESTONE Use R.A.C.E to respond to short response items on the Georgia Milestone. R estate the question A nswer the question C ite evidence E xplain the evidence