Age of Exploration “The Great Convergence” Race for Empires Age of Exploration “The Great Convergence”
Events in Europe Protestant Reformation -Read Paragraph pg 53 -Discuss Martin Luther- 95 theses, monk, upset with church practices- too wealthy and abusive in power Church- was Catholic church at the time! People who protested the church’s practice like Martin Luther were called PROTESTANTS!
Events in Europe Protestant Reformation continued Printing Press: helped to spread ideas about the Reformation, also more copies of the Bible Conflicts between Catholics and Protestants around Europe (France) Catholics vs Huguenots= French Protestants. Many Huguenots emigrated to Americas. Henry VIII: England started the Anglican Church
Events in Europe Spain and England go to war Catholic Spain vs Protestant England English Sea dogs “raiders of Spanish treasure ships”. Piracy- most famous “Sir Francis Drake” King Phillip of Spain, attacks England with the Spanish Armada: huge fleet of ships Queen Elizabeth and England defeated the Armada. Shocking Spain, and Spain’s Economy in trouble. Read pg 53
Search for the Northwest Passage Northwest passage- water route through N America from Atlantic Ocean to Pacific Ocean. England, France, Dutch begin sending explorers to find it. John Cabot- sailed and searched in exchange for a charter from King of England. Charter= a document from King granting permission to start a colony. Cabot- did not find it, but his exploring basis of England’s claim to lands in N. America
Search for Northwest Passage The explorers never found it! However; their expeditions led to Europe’s INCREASED INTEREST in N. America
European Presence in North America Read pages 54 (European Presence in North America) to page 57. Things to look for when reading Sir Walter Raliegh and the Roanoke colony France’s settlement? Where was it at in N. Am What were the French trading? Territory of Louisiana French Relationship with Native Americans
Reading Points of Emphasis Dutch- area they settled Manhattan island and New York